Page 382 of Sin City Baby

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“And for good fucking reason. Get in here and get a damn beer.”

“Sounds like a good thing to me,” I said.

“It’s fucking good to see you. Emails don’t cut it nowadays.”

“It’s what I got with a company to run,” I said.

“How’s that shit going anyway?”

“Construction is what it is. It’s been good to me, but the company’s in a bit of a shakeup.”

“How so?”

“Wish I could talk about it. But I’m really in town to try and forget about it.”

“You got somewhere to stay?” he asked.

“Not yet. The trip was impromptu.”

“Then crash here. I mean, I know my dad’s across the road and shit, but he hasn’t been the same since Mom died.”

“Why the hell are you living across from your dad anyway?” I asked.

“Glutton for punishment I guess,” he said.

I knew that Hollis and his dad had had a huge blowout after Glen had kicked me out. Their relationship had never been the same because of it, but Glen was still his father. I had always admired Hollis’ commitment to family.

“So you gonna crash or what?” he asked.

“Depends. How much beer you got on hand?” I asked.

“As much as you need,” he said, popping the top off of a bottle and handing it to me. I chuckled as I took a sip of my beer. If Hollis found out the truth about why I was here, it was going to be a problem. I was glad Hollis had offered for me to crash at his place because I figured my visit wasn’t going to end well. And I would need to mitigate the anger and hostility as much as possible, which I couldn't do from a damn hotel room. I tipped the beer up to my lips and focused on Hollis as I ran the plan through my mind.

Fuck. I really hoped he wouldn't be pissed at me after all was said and done.

“So, living across from your dad. Did you buy this place right after Laura died?” I asked.

“Nope. Couple years after. I bought the place because of a string of emails.”


“Yep. From people in the community. They were worried about Dad. Said he was being a recluse and slacking in his business. Sitting in restaurants and staring off. I moved back to keep an eye on him. Which is good, because I’m keeping an eye on Ike, too.”

“And Ike is?”

“Oh, shit. Yeah. Ike’s Theresa’s bullshit boyfriend. He’s an asshole, that one.”

There we go. That was what I needed to focus on. I remembered him from Laura’s funeral, but I couldn’t let Hollis know I already knew who this Ike guy was.

“You don’t like the guy or something?” I asked.

“I don’t. He’s nice enough when he’s around other people, but I know it’s all an act. He was a nerdy little shit in high school, but the past couple of years, he really thinks he’s hot stuff. I see the way he treats my sister when he thinks no one is looking, and it’s all I can do not to beat the shit out of him on the front lawn.”

“Does he put his hands on her?” I asked. I felt my blood boiling at the mere idea of someone putting their hands on Theresa .

“You think he’d still be breathing if he did?” Hollis asked.

I nodded in understanding. “Have you told her how you feel about this guy?” I tried.

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