Page 383 of Sin City Baby

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“I did, and she didn’t take it well. She—”

My brow ticked with confusion as Hollis gathered his words.

“She went through a real rebellious phase. Her senior year was rough, and then it ran smack dab into Mom dying. I brought it up to her, and it made her even angrier, and we didn’t talk for a while. That’s why I took a job on the other end of the state. Until I started getting those damn emails.”

“So you came back to look out for your father and started looking out for Theresa.”

“Yep. She’d be pissed if she found out, though. So I told her I moved back to look out for Dad and seek out better opportunities at the department.”

I shook my head and chuckled. “I still can’t believe you’re a cop, dude. After all the shit you and I did growing up?”

Hollis laughed too. “I know, right? After Mom died, I figured I should get my shit together. I actually love being a cop.”

“Glad to hear it, man. I sure wouldn’t want to be on the other end of your baton though,” I laughed. “So, what do you suppose to do about this douchebag Ike?”

“That fucker makes one wrong move again, and I’ll slap him in some damn cuffs so fast he won’t know what’s happening.”

I nodded and took another swig of my beer. “Well, speaking of Theresa, what is she doing these days?” I asked, trying to sound nonchalant.

“Ah, she’s Dad’s receptionist.”

“She’s what?” I asked.

“I know, right? I keep telling her to branch out and get another damn job. The girl went to school and got a fucking business degree, and she’s hunched over a computer scheduling people’s teeth cleanings for the old man.”

“I always wondered what she was going to be when she grew up. You said a business degree?” I asked.

“Oh yeah. Was hell-bent on starting her own online thing or whatever. But Mom died, and she studied hard to graduate early. Dad offered her the job, so she took it. She said it was to pay off her student loans, but I think that was just an excuse because she was afraid she’d fail at what she really wanted to do. I don’t think it’s healthy for either of them.”

I thought back to the anonymous email I’d gotten that had brought me back. If Hollis knew someone had sent me that email, he’d be livid that I was in town to watch his sister, too. He had always been protective of her, but it seemed like he had only gotten more so over the years.

I could still see those words in the email.

Theresa needs you. She’s in trouble. Please come home and help her.

“Why isn’t it healthy for them?” I asked.

“He’s clung to her a lot ever since Mom died. Like tonight. She’s Dad’s ‘plus one’ for some banquet. They’ll dance and eat and drink, and he’ll say it’s a father-daughter night, but I think it’s because he doesn’t want to go by himself and he’s trying to ward off any interest from other available women.”

“That’s fucked up.”

“It is, and I know Theresa knows it, but I can’t get her to draw that boundary. I think she feels guilty because she and my parents were barely talking when Mom died. It’s like she thinks this is her penance. But she’s got nothing to feel guilty about,” Hollis said.

I thought again to the email. Maybe it wasn’t all about Ike. Maybe this person knew that Theresa needed saving from herself too.

“Why do you think she stays with this Ike guy?” I asked.

Hollis shrugged his broad shoulders. “Beats the shit out of me man. Maybe because it’s just easier because they’ve been together so long. I can’t think of any other reason she’d put up with that asshole.”

“And to think Glen thought I was the bad seed,” I muttered.

“You know he eventually told me he threw you out because he thought you were fucking Theresa?”

“Are you fucking serious?” I asked, incredulous. “There’s no way in hell I would have ever done that!”

“That’s what I fucking said!” Hollis agreed.

“What the fuck made him think that?” I asked.
