Page 66 of Sin City Baby

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“Luke. So close. I’m so close! Please, harder. Just a little—more.”

His hand rushed down my body and quickly spread my pussy lips. I fe

lt his fingers graze my swollen clit, and the sensations were too much. He pressed into it and my back arched. His lips wrapped around my nipple as my jaw unhinged. The stroke of his tongue. The circling of his fingers. The pounding sensation of his hips, and the way his cock filled my pussy perfectly.

My fingers wound into the tendrils of his hair as darkness overcame my vision.

My entire body convulsed underneath him. Shook and quivered while my toes curled so tightly my legs began to cramp. Every muscle was vibrating. Blood rushed loudly through my ears. Stars burst in the darkness that filled the corners of my vision as Luke held me close to him. I felt him stop. I felt his cock pulsing against my walls, filling me with hot spurts of cum that warmed my body. He wouldn’t stop kissing me. Wouldn’t stop holding me to him. My hands inched out of his hair and down his neck. Down his shoulders. Down his back.

I collapsed to the bed and gasped for air, feeling Luke’s body fall to mine.

As our breathing finally returned to normal, Luke slid himself from my body and curled up behind me, pulling me firmly against him. And the last thing I heard before I fell into a deep, exhausted sleep, was Luke whisper once more how much he loved me.



“Sam! You in there?”

A pounding knock came at my hotel room door that startled me awake.

“Sam. Open up. I know you’re in there.”

Lauren’s voice hit my ears, and my eyes flew open. I felt something tighten around my waist and looked down to see Luke’s arm. His hand cupped my stomach, like he was protecting my unborn child. And at any other moment, it would’ve been the sweetest gesture that would have woken me with a smile on my face.

But Lauren was banging down my door, and her brother was in my bed.

“Is that Lauren?” Luke asked.

“Sh-sh-sh-sh,” I said as I scrambled out of bed. “Hold on, Lauren. Just getting up.”

I looked around for some clothes and pulled on the first thing I could find. I looked back at Luke, and he sat up on the bed, but he didn’t make a move to go anywhere. In his defense, there weren’t many places to go. There was the closet or the bathroom, but nothing that would conceal him for a substantial period of time.

“Sam!” Lauren said as she thumped her fist against the door. “Open this door. I know you’re not feeling well, and I just want to check in on you.”

I couldn't hide this forever. And it seemed as if Luke had the same thought as me.

“What?” I asked as I opened the door.

I stood there trying to block her vision, giving us one last shot at getting out of this without an altercation. I knew we would eventually have to come clean, but I just wasn’t ready. I was still terrified that it would cost me my best friend.

“You left early last night because you weren’t feeling good. I just wanted to make sure you are ok this morning,” Lauren said, walking past me into my room.

Her eyes fell onto Luke in my bed, and it was clear he was still naked. The comforter barely covered his body, and his torso was bare. Lauren’s eyes slowly morphed from an overly-concerned best friend into something I hadn’t seen before.

And I knew this wasn’t going to be good.

“What the hell is this?” Lauren asked, her eyes sweeping back and forth between Luke and me.

I looked at Luke, waiting for him to jump in and help me with any of this.

“Lauren, it’s not as bad as—” I started before she interrupted.

“Not as bad as what?” she asked. “Because from where I’m standing, it looks like my best friend slept with one my fucking brothers.”

“Shouldn’t you be on an airplane for your honeymoon right now?” Luke asked.

“Is he the father?” she asked, her eyes growing wide.

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