Page 67 of Sin City Baby

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How in the fuck was I going to explain this to her?

“It’s more complicated than that,” Luke said.

“How the hell is that complicated? Sam, did my brother knock you up?”

There was no going back now.

“Yes,” I said.

“Holy shit. I knew one of you guys fucked around with her in Vegas. What the hell were you thinking? What the hell were you both thinking? So, are you two a thing now? You know since you’re carrying his child?”

“I don’t know if I’m carrying his child,” I said quietly. If this was going to come out, then it was going to all come out.

My eyes whipped over to Luke, and he slid from the bed. He pulled some pants on and sat on the edge of it, and I scooted away from Lauren. The confusion and the anger in her eyes, it reminded me a lot of the look my mother had when she found out I was pregnant. I walked over to Luke but didn’t touch him. I leaned against the wall as Lauren turned and looked at us. Her silence gave me some time to gather my thoughts, but there was no way to delicately put any of this to her.


“What does that mean? You just said he got you pregnant,” Lauren said.

“Lauren, it’s just really –” I tried.

“How the hell could you do this to me?” Lauren asked.

“Do what do you?” I asked.

“You ditched me in Vegas for Luke and got knocked up on the weekend that was supposed to be for us?”

“In her defense,” Luke said, “you were pretty wrapped up in Todd the entire time. We didn’t even get to throw him a decent Bachelor party because you wouldn’t relinquish him.”

She ignored Luke’s comment and turned to look at me. I saw the light of some sort of revelation dawning on her face. My comment was finally sinking in. “You didn’t leave with Luke last night,” she said. “You left with Liam. I watched you guys all night. All of you.”

“Ok, yes. Look there’s no easy way to put this,” I said.

“What the fuck’s going on? And I’m done with all of you giving me the runaround. I’m their fucking sister, Sam, and your best friend. You tell me what the hell’s going on, and you tell me right now.”

“Lauren, you need to calm down. Sam’s pregnant, and she’s been through enough this past couple weeks. She needs to rest and relax,” Luke said.

“You shut up Luke, I’m just as pissed at you as I am at her. How in the hell could you sleep with my best fucking friend? And why were you all passing her around like a goddamn party favor at the reception last night?” Lauren huffed.

“Nobody ‘passed me around’ Lauren. I was having fun. I thought I was allowed to do that,” I said, now angry at her tone.

“You are! But not with my brothers!” she paced around the room for a few minutes before finally turning around and pinning me with her gaze. “You said my brother knocked you up. But then you said you didn’t know if it was Luke’s. What does that mean exactly, Sam?”

I closed my eyes and drew in a deep breath as Luke got off the bed and moved behind me.

“The night you and Todd left the club early, the guys and I continued the party in my suite. We were drinking. A lot. And we ended up playing strip poker,” I said.

Lauren’s jaw dropped further open with every word out of my mouth.

“We were all so drunk,” I said. “And half-naked, and things got heated and out of control. I didn’t just sleep with Luke last night. That’s why I don’t know who the father is, Lauren. Because it could be any one of them.”

Even saying it out loud, I was angry with myself all over again. One moment of blissful lack of control and my entire world had toppled in on itself. My parents had disowned me. My body was carrying the evidence of my one lone act of insanity that made me so sick I couldn’t get out of bed most mornings. And now, I was looking into the eyes of an outraged friend, admitting to her something I should’ve told her the second we found out I was pregnant.

But reading her reaction over this? I wasn’t about to tell her I’d married one of her brothers as well.

“But I was there with you when we found out you were pregnant,” Lauren said.

“I know, and I should’ve said something
