Page 108 of One More Time

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We locked eyes for one, intense second and I felt myself drowning under the weight of his stare. Just like old times, I thought. Aubree fussed in his arms, causing him to lower his gaze and focus on the child – and it reminded me. I really needed to use the bathroom.

“I'll be right back,” I said.

“Wait, you can't just leave me with her –” Eli stammered.

“Eli, you're her dad,” I said dryly. “You're going to have to get used to being alone with her. I'm just going to the bathroom, I'll be right back.”

I slipped into the bathroom just as another knock on the front door echoed through my place Ugh.

“That's probably my dad,” I called out. “Do you mind?”

“Uh sure,” Eli's voice called back to me. “Where should I – never mind.”

He grumbled something, then I heard his footsteps moving toward the front room. The door opened, and my dad's voice echoed through the apartment.

“She's in the bathroom,” Eli said.

I finished up, but decided to listen in, to see what I could find out about my dad. He wouldn't talk to me, but he might talk to Eli. I pressed my ear against the door and tried to make out their voices.

“What are you doing over here so late?” Dad asked. “And who is this?”

“Uh, well, that's a long story,” Eli said.

Damn. Should have known that the discussion would center more on the baby than whatever my dad's been up to lately. Eli having a baby in his arms was pretty odd and not something you'd expect to see every day. Something I probably should have thought of.

Oh well, live and learn. I finished up, washed my hands, and walked into the living room. The two men were silently staring down at the baby like it was some kind of alien species.

“Seriously, haven't either of you seen a baby before?” I laughed.

Dad looked up at me, his eyes heavy. He looked tired, but it was late so I couldn't really blame him. His dirty blonde hair was pulled back into a braid that ran down to the middle of his back, his beard longer than it was the last time I'd seen him. Which had been what, a few days ago now? Maybe a week?

“You didn't tell me the kid was here, Hannah,” Dad grumbled.

“Yeah, well, I figured Eli should be the one to tell you the news, not me.” I plopped down on the couch nearby.

Dad turned to look at his stepson. “News? What news?”

“That apparently, I have a kid now,” he said, scratching his face as he spoke, Aubree held firmly in one arm against his chest. “An ex-girlfriend of mine dropped by today. Dropped off the kid and left.”

“For Christ's sake,” Dad muttered, shaking his head. “How the fuck do you have a kid you don't even know about?”

I cringed. Yeah, the thought crossed my mind too, but the look on Eli's face was one of pure pain. He and my dad never really liked each other much. My dad had always been too hard on him, while Eli had always been a bit of a troublemaker. Dad never treated him like his own son either. More like an outsider than anything – which, of course, caused them more than a few problems. There was a distance between them, but it wasn't like Eli had done much to bridge that gap.

“Dad –” I said, standing and coming to my stepbrother's defense. Eli seemed surprised, glancing over at me with raised eyebrows. “No use getting onto him about it now. What's done is done. He has a kid. You're a grandpa now –”

“Like hell I am,” Dad said. “I brought over the bed, but that's it. If you're smart, you'll find that kid's mom

and give her right back. Eli isn't cut out for this shit, and I don't want my daughter –”

I pushed my dad toward the door. “Just go, dad. You're not helping,” I said under my breath.

He moved toward the door but stopped short and glared at Eli. “If the kid's mom is out of the picture or some crackhead,” he said, “do it a favor and turn it over to the state before it's too late.”

I pushed my dad harder, this time out of anger. Rage boiled up inside of me.

“How dare you –”

Eli stopped me. “No, he's right, Hannah.”

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