Page 111 of One More Time

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Aubree moved, and I feared she was waking up, but she was just shifting. I carefully placed her back in the crib, and she remained sleeping. Somehow, I'd managed to not wake her. Points for me.

Hannah had quietly moved over to me and placed an arm around my shoulders. Leaning close enough that I felt her breath on my cheek, she whispered in my ear.

“See? I knew you could do it, Eli.”

“I think you put too much faith in me,” I said, making sure to speak low enough as to not wake the baby.

Hannah motioned for me to follow her into the bedroom, and who was I to turn down such an offer? I followed her into the room and she shut the door behind us. From the look on her face, I knew she wasn't inviting me into her room to fool around, but rather talk. Which was disappointing.

She patted the bed beside her, and I sat down.

“Figured we could talk better in here,” she said.

I couldn't help myself. The old me slipped out. “We could do more than just talk,” I said. “Maybe relive the old days a bit.”

Hannah smacked me across the face. Not very hard, more like a tab, but I winced just the same. I rubbed my cheek, and looked at her.

“What the hell was that for?”

“Because it's so typical of you. We can't be in the same room together for long before you mention the past,” she said, shaking her head. “And we have bigger issues here, Eli. You need to focus on your child and stop thinking with your dick. It's the reason you're in this mess to begin with.”

I couldn't help it, I smirked. “You used to like when I thought with my dick –”

Another slap. Harder that time, but I was expecting it. I prepared and grabbed her hand before she could pull it away. Holding onto her wrist, I stared deep into her eyes.

“Come on, Hannah, don't kid yourself,” I said, my smirk growing wider. “You want me as badly as I want you. This attitude you've had with me ever since you got to town is just an act. I know you better than anyone, remember?”

She didn't pull her hand away, and something flashed in her eyes. Lust. I'd only guessed that she still wanted me, was hoping I was right all this time, but that one look said it all.

She wanted me every bit as much as I wanted her. She bit her lip and stared at the closed door.

“Your daughter is literally sleeping in the next room,” she said, yanking her hand free.

“Is that the only reason you won't fuck me?” I asked because I was genuinely curious.

When we were stupid, horny kids, yeah, we'd experimented a lot. But, it was more than just that. At one time, we were crazy enough to think we might be in love. That only lasted the summer though, and then she went back to Seattle and her prep school. Probably had a chance to think about the fact that I was her stepbrother. Not that we grew up together or anything. But, because we were technically family, she insisted it was wrong anyway, and that was that.

“Eli –” she stammered. “You know we can't be together. Not like that.”

“Why not?” I said, sliding closer to her on the bed. “Because your dad married my mom, suddenly we're related and that's wrong?”

“Eli, stop!” she said.

I stopped. I allowed her to scoot away from me. That wasn't what I wanted. I didn't want her to fear me – I wanted her to want me. Not that now was the right time. She was right, I was thinking with my dick.

“Fine. I've stopped,” I muttered. “What did you want to talk about?”

She looked uncertain, but eventually started talking. “You can stay here, on the couch, for as long as you need,” she said. “I have to work tomorrow night, so you'll be on your own, but –”

“I have to work too,” I said. “Until closing tomorrow.”

“Guess you're going to call in,” she said with a shrug. “Anyway, stay here. I'm happy to help, but if you even think about trying to sneak into my bed or trying to seduce me, you'll be out on your ass. You hear me?”

“Come on, we both know you wouldn't do that –”

I stopped speaking when she raised both her eyebrows and threatened me with a “try me” look on her face. I chuckled softly before continuing my thought.

“I mean, you wouldn't do that to Aubree,” I said. “She needs you, Hannah, I can't do this alone.”
