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Hannah nodded. “You're right. You need me. So better not fuck this up, Eli,” she said.

She stood up and walked to the bedroom door. She opened it and motioned for me to leave. Hannah just stood there, staring at me with a serious, threatening look on her face.

One thing about my stepsister was that she wasn't one to bluff. I didn't want to chance caring for a child alone, so I left her room without a fight. Still, I'd seen the look in her eyes. She still wanted me, the way I wanted her. She was just better at fighting back the urges.

One thing I realized was that Hannah wasn't just doing this for Aubree, as much as she wanted me to believe that she was. Somewhere, deep inside, she still cared about me too. It would just be nearly impossible for her to admit it.

Stubborn as shit, just like her dad.

Chapter Four


I didn't sleep well at all. I kept waking up, expecting to hear the baby crying and Eli calling for help. Amazingly enough, though, it never happened. Aubree fussed, sure, but Eli seemed to know how to handle things. Or at least, he was determined to learn.

I'd showed him how to change her diaper, how to feed her, gave her the feeding schedule – and apparently, he'd listened. I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks. Or rather, a young, stubborn asshole new tricks – as was the case with Eli.

Maybe there was hope for him yet.

When I got up later that afternoon, I tip-toed into the living room to find Eli fast asleep on the couch, still fully dressed, with Aubree on his chest. My heart nearly exploded from the cuteness of it all. The teeny, tiny little infant on my big, macho stepbrother's chest, both sound asleep, content to be with one another.

Be still, my heart. I felt tears in my eyes but wiped them away as Eli's eyes opened and he stared back at me.

“Looks like you two had a good night,” I said.

Eli looked down at the child on his chest, almost as if he was surprised she was still there. A smile pulled at his lips.

“It was different,” he said. “But not as bad as I thought.”

I walked into the kitchen and put on some coffee as Eli gently sat up and put Aubree in the crib. He joined me in the kitchen, leaning against the counter.

“I really can't thank you enough, Hannah,” he said.

“I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing this for Aubree,” I said.

I pushed the button to start the coffee brewing and then dropped a bagel into the toaster before turning to face Eli.

“I just – I don't know if I'm cut out for this. I live in a studio apartment above the bar, have no one to watch her, barely make enough money to pay my own bills...” he grumbled, but let his voice trail off.

His eyes were still heavy with exhaustion, maybe the night hadn't been as easy as it looked. Or maybe my stepbrother was used to sleeping the day away. Both were distinct possibilities.

“Well, tough luck,” I said, grabbing two coffee cups from the cabinet. “Because you created that child in there, and whether you like it or not, you're responsible for her now.”

Maybe it would be the kick in the rear he needed to get his act together, I thought. Get a better job, give up his drinking and pa


“Eli, it's time you grew the fuck up,” I said, pouring the piping hot coffee into my cup.

I motioned, asking him with my gestures if he'd like some. He shook his head. Probably only liked his coffee with whiskey in it. I rolled my eyes and put the second cup away. I grabbed the cream cheese from the fridge and made myself breakfast, sitting down at the small breakfast nook in the corner of my cramped kitchen.

I really needed a bigger place, especially if I expected to have company more often.

Eli joined me at the table, staring down at his hands without saying a word. I drank my coffee and ate my breakfast in peace and quiet. When I finished, I finally looked up at him and sighed.

“So, what are you doing about tonight?” I asked.

“I don't know. I can't call in, I might lose my job,” he said.

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