Page 267 of Her Best Men

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“Sorry,” she said and rolled her eyes dramatically like she was a total airhead or something. “I totally forgot that Martin has a business dinner with some clients, and I have to stay home with the kids. I was going to tell you”

“I'll help,” I said. “I know you have your hands full.”

“I think I can handle my kids on my own,” she laughed. “I've managed it for this long. But thanks for the offer.”

“Great. Sounds like you're free then,” Cason said as he pulled his phone from his pocket. “There's a new restaurant over in Shoreview I've been dying to try out. I was thinking that maybe we could check it out together tonight?”

“Uhh –”

I racked my brain and was having trouble coming up with an excuse on the fly. Given that Jenn had just thrown me under the bus, I had to try and to come up with something that sounded plausible and not rude. Jenn sat back in her seat, a little grin upon her lips as she stared at me while I fluttered and flailed, trying to come up with something.

Finally, with both of them looking at me, I knew I had to say something – unless I wanted to sit there, my mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water, looking like a complete moron.

“Sure. Sounds good,” I said, trying to smile but cringing inside as the words fell out of my mouth.

“Awesome, what's your number?” he asked.

Jenn answered for me, speaking quickly and reciting my number ready before I could even remember what it was. He somehow managed to keep up with her, punching it into his phone as she spoke. And a moment later, my phone buzzed with a new text message – a smiling emoji.

“Got it,” I said, forcing an awkward smile onto my face as I held up my phone. “Must be from you.”

“Actually, it wasn't,” Cason said, leaning closer to look at it, a perplexed expression on his face. “I was just going to send you a message, but looks like someone beat me to it.”

As we stared at my phone, another message popped up.

“Yeah, I thought I recognized my brother's number,” he groaned, rolling his eyes and shaking his head.

“Ah yeah, Quinn,” I muttered, putting my phone away.

I'd forgotten all about giving him my number when he'd asked before we got to the diner. He said we should catch up, maybe talk about writing, and it sounded like fun at the time. As we headed for the diner, things were going well, the conversation was flowing, and it just happened.

And now, I had two out of three McCormick brothers' numbers in my phone.

I looked at Cason and half expected that to be a deal breaker, but his smile remained intact. There was a sparkle in his eye and Cason raised his chin in defiance. He looked as if he were accepting a challenge. I could only imagine the conversation at the McCormick house when he got home.

“See you tonight, Hailey,” he said. “I'll be at your parent's place around six. Really looking forward to it.”

“Yeah, ummm – me too.”

He stood up from the table, and gave me a long look. It seemed like he wanted to say something more, but though better of it and remained silent. Instead, he turned and walked toward the door. I had no idea what came over me, but as he walked out, I couldn't help but watch him go – and noticed that his tight ass was a nice sight too. I mentally kicked myself for staring, although it was totally reflexive.

“Huh,” I said.

“Huh what?” Jenn asked.

“Didn't you notice that he didn't even order anything?” I asked.

“Probably didn't come here for the coffee then. Guess he was in the mood for something else,” Jenn said, giving me a flirty little wink.

I looked out the window and saw Cason climb into his pickup truck. He waved at me, clearly seeing me through the large window to the street.

“Yeah, I guess maybe you're right.” I laughed. “But now what am I going to do?”

“What do you mean?”

“I have Quinn and Cason both reaching out to me, and I'm not ready to date anyone,” I said. “Much less brothers. Do you have any idea how complicated that will get?”

Jenn shrugged. “Go out on your date with Cason, have fun,” she said. “Tell them you're not looking for anything serious and see where it goes. There's nothing wrong with dating around before getting serious. You are allowed to go out and have a little fun, you know. There's nothing wrong with it.”
