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The audience erupted, and Luke sheepishly back pedaled to his place until Rose finally relinquished Marley to him.

The pastor started the ceremony, and when he reached the part where he asked for objections, Luke almost laughed, imagining someone standing up and—

“Oh, crap!” Kendall cried.

Every head turned toward her, including Luke and Marley.

“What’s the matter?” Marley asked.

Kendall was hunched over, holding her stomach. “I’m pretty sure I’m in labor.”

“What?!” Brent shouted, crossing to his wife. “Why do you think that?”

“Because my water just broke all over my shoes and my stomach feels like it’s tied in knots!”

Without further explanation, Brent swooped Kendall up in his arms, and ran down the aisle toward the parked cars. “Taking the limo!”

“Son of a bitch!” Luke said.

“Sir, can we speed this along?” Marley said.

The officiant seemed stunned, but nevertheless pronounced them husband and wife.

“Are you thinking what I am?” Luke asked.

“Hell yes. I’m not letting them steal our thunder and our limo.”

With a laugh, the two of them raced down the aisle after their friends.

“We’ll see y’all at the reception!” Luke yelled.

When they reached the rows of cars, they found Brent arguing with the limo driver.

“Tony, get your ass in the driver’s seat and haul us to the hospital!” Marley hollered.

Tony gaped at Marley for a half a second, then jumped into the driver’s seat.

“Come on, guys, inside,” Luke said.

Kendall shook her head, her face pale and sweaty. “What are you doing? You’re going to miss your reception!”

Luke watched Marley take her friend’s hand and squeeze it. “Nah, we just want to make sure you get there okay. Besides, in case the baby needs to be delivered, Luke’s here.”

Kendall and Marley looked at Luke, who appeared horrified and they laughed.

“I’m sorry we stole your limo,” Kendall said.

“I don’t care about the limo, dummy. We love you.”

Kendall threw her arms around Marley with a cry while their husbands rolled their eyes.

“All right, all right, hugging later, hospital now,” Luke said, ushering them inside.

When they were all inside, Brent held his panting wife while Luke took Marley’s hand.

“You were sure cool about them hijacking our limo. I was expecting a crazy bride.”

Marley snorted. “Remember I said I’d had enough of crazy brides.”
