Page 32 of Without a Doubt

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She nods, and we return to the living room. I sit with my back resting on the armrest, my legs stretched out on the other cushions, and Eva sits between them, resting against my chest. I let her pick out a movie on Netflix. Now that we're settled and not talking, my mind wanders back to Kelly.

She said she was calling to see how I was doing. That's it? She could ask my mom that. Shouldn't I be overwhelmed with happiness at hearing from her? I'm not going to lie; I am happy she called. A bit of guilt eats at me with the thought. Here I am with Eva in my arms, soothing her after a bad day, and I'm thinking about Kelly. It's not right. Maybe I don't need to think about it too much. Kelly didn't call and say she missed me and wanted to get together. She missed me and wanted to see how I was doing.

Maybe that's all there is to it.

Then again, I didn't give her a lot of opportunity to say much.

I sigh, not wanting to think about it. She's supposed to call tomorrow. If she does, then I can think more about it then.

A hard pinch to my side makes me glance down at Eva, who has lifted her head to look at me. Her brows are bunched together slightly and more guilt rises at seeing I've caused her to be concerned. “You okay?”

“Yeah, I'm fine.”

She hesitates before focusing back on the movie. After a moment, she says, “You never told me why your day was bad.”

“Oh, it's nothing compared to yours. I was late for a class and the professor won't let you in if you're late, so I missed it.”

“That's all?” she laughs.

“Yeah, that's all.”

“Well, I'm sorry you missed your class.”

“It's all right.”

We're quiet throughout the rest of the movie and crawling into bed. Eva snuggles up with her comforter, tucking it in down her sides before she scoots over to cuddle against me.

“If I wake up and you manage to have both comforters, I can't promise a gentle, accidental shove off the bed won't happen again,” she warns.

I laugh. “Does that mean the first time wasn't an accident?”

“No. It means the next time won't be.”

“We should be fine.”

Eva props herself up on her elbow and looks at me. “I'm really glad it was you I rear-ended, Emerson.” She leans forward, kissing me softly.

“Me too.” And I mean it without a doubt.

Not once during the night did I find myself on the floor, so I didn't hog the covers. When I first wake up, all I can smell is that soft, sweet scent of Eva's. The only thing better than that is hearing her incoherent grumbles when I wake her up. I don't know why, but I think it's one of my favorite things about her. She doesn't wake up and smile at me. She mumbles and groans, even grunts sometimes, and after about five minutes, I still don't get a smile. It's not until a few more minutes later when she'll unleash one in my direction.

I tug on one of her curls. “We should probably get up for real now,” I tell her since we're still very much in bed.

“If we didn't have to get up until right now, you could have let me sleep a little longer.”

“Yeah, and then it would take you ten more minutes to want to get out of bed.”

“So?” I laugh, and she adds, “I'm too comfortable, Emerson. You're too comfortable.” That would be a more accurate statement, considering her head is on my shoulder, her arm thrown over my chest, and one of her legs snuck underneath my blankets to lie over my legs as well.

“We have class in an hour,” I remind her.

“Sounds like you need to get ready first then.” When I get out of bed, leaving her arms, she says, “Crap, I didn't think that through.”

Chuckling, I kiss her forehead. “Don't fall back asleep.”

“I'll see what I can do.”

She doesn't fall asleep. Instead, when I get out of the shower, I find her in the kitchen. The smell of breakfast brings me in here before I go to the bedroom to get dressed. Eva hasn't noticed me yet. She's putting together egg and bacon sandwiches.
