Page 70 of Without a Doubt

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My fist hits him in the jaw before I can think twice about it. I've wanted to do that all day and it felt damn good to do it. Eva shrieks, but Luke grins as he holds his hands up in surrender. “Get out,” I ground out.

He nods and heads for the door. Before he leaves, he calls out, “Hope to see you around, Eva.”

I flex my fingers as soon as the door closes. He's got a hard head, that's for sure. Eva silently walks over and begins to massage my hand. With my free arm, I wrap it around her shoulders and pull her against me, kissing her temple as I try to calm down.

“Are you sure you know what the phrase 'we get along' means?” she asks, causing me to laugh.

“Let's eat; I'm starving.” We sit side by side at the bar and begin to eat the burgers I bought.

“Are you okay?” Eva sets her worried gaze on me.

“Yeah, I just want to forget today.”

“I'm right there with you.”

We both have to work the next day, and with midterms this upcoming week, I know I won't see much of Eva. Or maybe I will since Catherine has reunited with her boyfriend and according to Eva, she's spending a lot of time with him.

For the most part, Eva's past with Luke is forgotten. I do my best not to think about it. It's easier than I thought it would be, and as long as I don't see Luke, then I don't think about it. And I rarely see Luke. I'm honestly surprised my mother hasn't called to find out what happened. I'm not about to make that call though. Maybe we can all forget about it.

If I'm not at work or in class, I'm studying for my next midterm. Halfway through the week, I'm sitting on the couch with my back against a throw pillow and the arm rest. My legs are pulled up and I have a textbook resting on my thighs as I go over a chapter I've been struggling with. A knock on the door causes me to lift my head as it opens.

Eva's dressed in her work clothes and she has a tote bag hanging off her shoulder. “Keep studying. Don't mind me,” she says. It's impossible to ignore her. Looks like she's spending the night. I didn't even know she was coming over. Eva disappears down the hall and a few minutes later, I hear the water running in the shower.

I do my best to focus on my textbook because once she comes out, I won't be able to focus unless she's going to study as well. I doubt it since she only came with one tote. Literature has never been my strong suite and all the terms have similar definitions or sound alike. All the words are starting to blur together when Eva walks into the room, wearing her pjs. I toss the book onto the floor as she settles between my legs, her back to my chest.

“Were you done?” she asks.

“Nope, but if I don't know it by now, then I'm screwed anyway. I didn't know you were coming.”

She sighs. “Turns out, I am a clingy girlfriend.” She tilts her head on my shoulder to look at me. “You don't care, do you?”

I shake my head and kiss her, long and slow before speaking. “Not when you seem to show up at the best times. Were you going to study?”

“No, I feel like I have a pretty good handle on everything. I don't want to overdo it. Want me to help you? What class is it? Who's your professor?”

“Argumentative Lit with Decker. You don't have to help; I'm tired of studying anyway.”

“Do you feel prepared?” When I shrug, she says, “Give me your textbook; I'll help. I had Decker and his exams are extensive. You need to feel confident.”

If she hadn't said his exams are extensive, then I might have argued with her. Instead, I reach down to grab my textbook and hand it to her. Eva helps me study for two hours. She's really good at it too. I feel ready by the time we're finished.

“Are you sure we don't need to go over it again?” she asks.

“Yep.” I grab the textbook from her hands and throw it on the floor. I slip my hands underneath her shirt, allowing my fingers to explore her skin. “You know how it's good for fighters to have sex before a big fight? I'm thinking it may be the same for exams.”

Eva laughs. “I thought they weren't supposed to have sex before a fight?”

“Either way, I think we will both do better tomorrow if we have sex tonight. And maybe again in the morning.” It's been over a week since the last time, I think. We're long overdue.

She's trying not to smile, and she playfully pushes at my hands as I cup her breasts. “What if I'm not feeling like it?”

I scoff. “This is you and me. How can you not want to?” I move one hand down her body and underneath her pajama bottoms. She's such a liar. She's more than ready for me based on how wet she is.

“Maybe because you suck at flirting and initiating sex.” Her voice is all breathy and I grin.

“That hurts to hear, especially since you suck really well.”

She laughs loudly, the sound filling my apartment. She rolls over, causing my hands to move from where they were. “Okay, okay. You've convinced me.”
