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“Why are you so interested in Matt Hansen?”

“Me? It’s not him I’m interested in.” He grins, his gaze clear once more. “His nanny sounds really hot.”

“She does, huh?”

“Ah-huh.” He leans closer, and I think he’ll kiss me—but he only flicks a strand of hair from my face. “She looks hot, too.”

As come-on lines go, this isn’t the best I’ve heard. Then again… What’s my problem? I should stop being so cynical and accept the compliment. Thank him.

“It’s getting late,” I say instead. “I should go to bed.”

He blinks, brows arching. Not used to girls not falling right into his arms?

Or to rude, unappreciative ones, at least.

“I’m sorry,” I say, my cheeks warm as I get up. “Thank you—for the ice cream. And everything.”

He relaxes back on the bench, his eyes hooded. “Any time. In fact… we should do it again tomorrow.”

Really? I duck my head, smiling faintly. Seems that I didn’t manage to scare him off, after all.

Not yet.

From the corner of my eye, I catch Gigi standing at the kitchen window, watching us, and my ears burn.

“That would be nice,” I breathe and start toward the door.

“It’s a date,” he says, and the echo of his words follows me into the house.

Avoiding Gigi, I lock myself in the bathroom to gather my wits. I grin at my reflection in the mirror.

A date. It’s a nice stroke to my ego, one I need badly after Ross’s comments and Matt’s rotten behavior.

See? There are guys out there who find me interesting and attractive. Who appreciate me.

So take that, Matt Hansen.


“Adam is soooo into you,” Gigi tells me as we lie in our beds later on. “The way he stares at you… it’s so intense. I get goosebumps!”

“Peeping Tom.”

“No way. I just happened to see you as I was closing the curtains.” She shifts on her side, folding an arm under her head, and I don’t call her out on her lie. “I thought he was going to kiss you at the end.”

I guess we’ll never know.

“He’s in love with you, Tati.”

“Like Quinn is with you?” I stick my tongue out at her.

“Maybe.” She rolls a shoulder in a shrug.

“When are we meeting the mysterious Q?”

“Stop changing the subject, Sis.”

I sigh, throwing an arm over my eyes. “I’m not feeling it with Adam.”
