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My hand all wrapped up, I get to return to the overheated engine and finally get some work done, take my mind off everything that’s been haunting me.

And then Ross turns up.

Obviously fucking hungover, strutting about like a goddamn peacock, looking for a brawl.

You got it, asshole.

Evan sees me and tries to get in my way as I stride across the workshop, my fists clenched so tightly my nails dig into my palms, the sound of blood rushing in my ears deafening. I push him aside and march right up to Ross.

I grab him by the shoulders and slam him into the wall. “Motherfucker. Stop fucking harassing my family.” I slam him again for good measure, and he growls, kicking at me and jerking like a fish on a hook. “Stay away.”

Releasing him, I step back—and he falls on me like a truck, throwing me to the floor. My head hits the concrete and everything goes black for a long moment.

When the blackness clears, his fist connects with my face, snapping it to the side. I taste blood, and I spit it out.

Hands haul him off me, cursing and kicking.

I sit up, wiping my mouth on the back of my hand, leaving a long red smear.

“What the hell’s going on?” Jasper’s voice booms, and Ross jerks free from the hold of the other mechanics holding him back.

“This son of a bitch attacked me.” He spits at me but misses. “Fucking cunt.”

“Keep away from my house,” I hiss. “If I find one more message stuck to my door, I fucking swear…”

He throws me a look of disbelief. “You’re out of your goddamn mind. Are you on fucking drugs?”

Not the reaction I expected. Then again… what the hell did I expect, that he’d confess? That he’d go on to brag and explain the method behind his madness, like in the movies?

“What are you talking about, Hansen?” Jasper throws me a hostile look, and I return it.

Hell, I know this is his son, but his son is a damn bully, a dickshit and a criminal, and on top of that a fucking pussy for not fessing up to what he did.

“Just keep away from my house,” I say again, jabbing a finger at Ross as I slowly get to my feet, wincing at the drum pounding inside my skull. “You hear me?”

“Just because you’re fucking that bitch, Octavia, you think you run this town?”

“Ross, enough,” Jasper mutters, grabbing his son before he throws himself on me again like a rabid dog, almost foaming at the mouth. “And you, Hansen. You’d better have an explanation and a goddamn apology.”

“The hell I do.” I’m a bit unsteady on my feet but fuck if I let it show. “You don’t own Octavia, you piece of shit.”

“Enough.” Jasper’s face is read, veins bulging in his throat. “Go home, and cool your guns. We’ll talk tomorrow about this.”

“He should apologize to me!” Ross yells, coming at me again.

His father drags him away from me, toward the little office where he holds court, muttering something about stupidity and young age.

Yeah, well. I doubt a douchebag like Ross will grow up to be an upstanding member of the society, much like I don’t believe his dear old daddy is any better.

Avoiding Evan, I drag my sorry self to my truck and head home.

Enough, I tell myself. It’s been a train wreck of a day, but now I’m going home to my kids and I’ll try my damnedest to be who they need. I’ll sit down and eat with them, play with them.

See Octavia smile at me. Her smile is a star in the dark, leading me home, and I don’t try to analyze it, understand it. Understand why she feels so familiar, and so exciting, and why I need to get back home to her.

Enough shit for today. Tonight will be good, I just know it.

And then life goes, LOL, one sec.
