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The biggest what if of all.

“When are you going to tell him?”

I huffed out a breath and fought the urge to flee from the question. The room. My life entirely.

That wasn’t who I was anymore. I wouldn’t allow myself to hide.

“Tonight, as soon as I leave here. I haven’t spoken to him since…” I bowed my head. “I’m so sorry. I acted like a royal ass. I’m amazed you even called me tonight. But I threw up that morning and I was all churned up, thinking what if, and then I saw the sign about condos being built at the bed-and-breakfast site, and I was just all messed up.”

“Is that why you tried to pick a fight with Oliver with all the decorations?”

“Yeah. I guess. Though I do like fighting with him in general. And the making-up part is really fun.” I flushed at her raised brows. “Hey, you were overdue for this kind of talk. Best friend, remember?”

“I never forgot. You bet I’m overdue. I have many questions, probably some of them entirely too personal in nature. But since my own personal nature has been way too public tonight,” we both laughed, “we’ll just save those for another day. I do have one question that can’t wait.”

“He told me he was bigger than Seth, but I think he was lying. You know how he boasts.”

Ally shook her head, laughing silently while her cheeks went pink. “Don’t let Seth hear that.”

“Not thinking it’s a subject I’ll probably ever broach with him, so we’re good.” It was so nice to giggle with a girlfriend in the midst of the insanity my life had become.


Nothing could be that bad or that scary as long as I had my bestie.

“You and Oliver, I know how you started. I know I played a part in that, and if that was a mistake—”

“It wasn’t,” I assured her quickly. “It was right. Every bit of it was. I know we aren’t going there tonight, but he was exactly who I needed.”

Perhaps he had been all along.

She nodded, her eyes suspiciously bright. “He’s a decent man under the bluster. You just can’t give up on him. He’s going to push you away. It’s a given.”

“Actually, I’ve been the one doing most of the pushing.” I rubbed my forehead tiredly. Now that I knew without a doubt I was pregnant, I was exhausted. It wasn’t as if I didn’t have twenty other worries, but they would be faced in due time.

Right now, Oliver was the most pressing, and beyond that, my focus was on my need for sleep and a hopefully junk-food-laden dinner.

“I feel so guilty. Everything you said about me and Seth was true. We stuck our noses in and said things that weren’t right, and it wasn’t even our business. I’m going to blame my interference on preggo hormones and a whole lot of worry.”

“If you’ll allow me to blame my O meltdown in Oliver’s office on hormones, then we have a deal.”

“Deal. Do you know what I saw when I came into his office?”

“What?” I asked warily.

“Well, the lust thing was a given, and just about gave me a heart attack. But there was more. The way he was looking down at you, on the verge of a smile…there was more there, Sage, I swear it.”

My throat seemed too tight to swallow, so I rubbed my neck to try to get everything working again. “We were laughing, insulting each other again. Like usual.”

“Yes, and his expression was definitely amused, but there was something else in his eyes. And before you argue with me, remember I have some knowledge of the Hamilton boys myself. Even if it’s the less-endowed one. Which…ha. He wishes. Anyway.”

“Let’s just say less or more, I’m sure they’re both plenty.” Now I was flushing again. See, this was the problem with being a recent virgin. I could throw around dirty stuff, but I always reached my limit fairly quickly. Just not experienced in the filthy talking arts.

Not like Oliver. Dear God. And if I thought overmuch about that, I would need to wring out my panties right here in the hospital.

“You need to tell him right away.”

“I’m going to. I promise.”
