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She released an awkward little laugh. “You forget your contacts today or something?”

That she’d even noticed I wore them boggled me. She paid attention, far more than I gave her credit for.

When I didn’t respond, she exhaled. “Look, I wanted to apologize.”

“It’s done. Over with.”

“Oh, really? Is that why you haven’t called me—” She stopped herself and held up a hand. “Don’t answer that.”

“I haven’t called you because I thought it was better we both take some time to think.”

“You mean because I indicated you were akin to a living vibrator. Hop on and use, hop off and move on.”

“Your choice of description leaves much to be desired. But yes.”

“That wasn’t it at all. I swear. I told you I was glad it was you, and I meant it. I told Ally that too tonight.”

Swallowing suddenly became a lot more difficult. “You did?”

“Yes. I told her the truth—that you were exactly what I needed that night, and a lot of nights since. I screwed up. Sometimes my mouth gets ahead of my brain, and I’ve been bottling too much inside. I’m sorry.” She moved forward and tipped her head against my chin. “I’m so sorry, Oliver.”

It was easier than I expected to just stroke a hand over her hair and breathe her in. She smelled like the lake mixed with the crispness of the snowy night. Fresh, pure. Completely intoxicating.


“You saw the baby?” I asked huskily.

“Not in person yet. I just missed him. He wasn’t breathing as well as he could be, but he’s fine. I saw a picture though. He’s gorgeous. Pink and perfect.” She swallowed audibly. “You saw one too, I’m assuming?”

“I did. Probably the same one. Laurie was disappointed he doesn’t look like her.”

“Oh, well, babies change so much.”

“Exactly what I told her. I’m not sure she believed me. But then I told her how I thought I didn’t want Seth around until—” I broke off as she fidgeted and shoved my hands in my pockets. “You probably don’t care about any of this.”

“I do. I really do. It’s just… God, this is so hard.”

I’d thought we were finished with our big talk after we’d discussed the office incident. But from the way she was wringing her purse between her hands, we clearly were not.

I wasn’t ready to hear what she had to say, whatever it was. Maybe if I led her inside, distracted her with other pressing needs, she’d forget.

All I wanted to do was to go back to where we’d been in my office, minus the secrecy. With that gone, things were perfect. Or they could be, if she’d just let them.

“What were you singing?” I asked, wanting another minute’s reprieve. “You turned off the radio before I could hear the song.”

She laughed softly. “‘It’s Raining Men’.”

“Oh. Huh. Do you sing often? I never noticed, except at Celine Dion. And you sang along with Elvis. Well, fake Elvis. So, yes, I guess you do like to sing.” I exhaled. “All right, whatever else it is you’d like to say, just say it. I considered seducing you to delay it, but that’s ridiculous. So…out with it.”

She stepped closer and stroked her hand over my tie, from the knot all the way down. My stomach trembled as if she’d used her tongue. “I hope you still want to seduce me after I’ve told you. I could really use the stress relief.”

I frowned. “Told me what?”

“You’re going to be a daddy.”


