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Within half a chapter, I tossed the book aside and went into the kitchen to search for a beer. Or any alcohol period. I knew Rylee couldn’t drink right now, but she hadn’t known that until a few days ago and surely she’d had some kind of liquor on hand for emergencies.

Yeah, that was a no.

Still, I looked through her fridge anyway just in case. Maybe a snack would help. Making a sandwich was methodical. And I might be panicked as fuck but I could still eat.

Which was how I came upon the red Converse sneaker in the crisper. Next to a wilted head of lettuce.


I pulled it out and turned around just as Rylee stepped into the kitchen, rubbing her stomach.

“Well, guess it’s time for the nausea part of our program—” She fell silent and frowned. “Why do you have my shoe?”

“The better question is why was it in your refrigerator?”

“It was not.”

“Yes, it was.”

“No, it wasn’t.”

“Ry, it was in there.” I set the chilly footwear on the floor. “I’ve left my car keys in the freezer once or twice accidentally, but shoes are a new one, even for me.”

“Wes must’ve did it,” she said quickly.

Too quickly.

“My nephew puts shoes in refrigerators?”

Impatiently, she shook her head and picked up the shoe, transporting it across the apartment to the tidy mat by the front door where its mate waited innocuously. She set it down and dusted her hands. “You know kids. They mess around with stuff. He likes to…play pranks on me.”

“Really? I didn’t even realize you knew him that well.”

She nodded and bit her lip, touching her stomach again. “I’m making an effort.” Her voice sounded weak, and she’d gone even paler since she stepped out of the bathroom.

“Here, have a seat.” I pulled her over to the couch and nudged her to sit down. “Do you want anything? I read that mint is good for settling the stomach.”

“All I have is a mint air freshener.”

“Hmm, probably not that.” I thought back to the contents of her fridge. She didn’t have much. “Want a water?”

“I can get it—”


I went to retrieve it and popped the cap before handing it over. She drank greedily, then wiped the back of her hand over her mouth. “That book should have a warning label or something. I’m half convinced that’s what made me puke.”

It shocked me how easy it was to laugh. Since, hey, I’d been traumatized too, but I wasn’t the one who had a live action doll growing inside me. “It’s a ton of information. A lot is going to happen to you.” I blew out a breath. “To us.”

“Yeah.” She rubbed her fingers over the condensation on her bottle before setting it on the nearby table. “I’m sorry I’ve been…inconsistent.”

I wasn’t sure that would’ve been the word I would have chosen, but for right now, it was enough. “It’s overwhelming. And you’re right. We don’t know each other that well. But we will.”

“Yeah. You probably think I’m ungrateful, considering the whole money thing.”

“You don’t want me taking over your life. I get it.”
