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His silence spoke volumes. Especially since he hadn’t ever been silent in my presence for more than thirty seconds, unless he was sleeping.

“Kellan mentioned something about a new piece he wanted me to hear when it was ready. We’ve been hammering out ideas over the phone, finding the slant for—hell, why am I telling you this? You probably know more than I do.”

Ian chuckled. “Yeah, sure, I do. Kellan is like you. He grunts more than he shares. I guess I like a challenge. But our voices are complementary, and Lord Lewis likes what we’re coming up with. He mentioned bringing in Connors and Goldwaith to—”

“Connors and Goldwaith? He never uses them.”

“Right, but he said you already said you were busy. Too busy for your best friend, but whatever.”

“I never said you were my best friend.”

“No, but you can’t stop me from making you mine.”

The laughter rolled out of me and ended in a groan as I leaned back in my chair. “Seriously, I’m too tired for this conversation.”

“So, just say yes and you’ll get the triple bonus of me, Kellan, and Ivy. And Ivy will make you feel much better. There’s something about redheads, isn’t there?”

I hated that he was right. On all accounts. “Your lady is blond.”

“My lady has been every color of the universe and probably will be again once she gives birth.”

“You talk about that kid enough, you’d think it was the Christ child.”

“I’m excited. So, sue me.”

“If only I could. Sure you don’t want Kellan to be your new best friend?”

“He’s grouchy enough for the role, but you know I can’t resist your baby blues.”

“You are well and truly a jackass.” Though I grinned just the same. And it wasn’t just at Ian’s typical antics.

I could go back to New York. To Ivy. I didn’t have to linger around here, missing her. A few phone calls and a couple of altered arrangements, and I could—

The other line beeped. “Hang on.”

But I didn’t click over to take the call, just checked who it was.


Calling me at—I checked my watch—past midnight, her time. When she hadn’t yet answered my text from earlier. My three texts actually. She’d had the day off, so I’d been persistent.

For that matter, she’d been slower and slower to respond to texts in general, so I’d started spacing them out. Except I hadn’t today. Not that it had made a difference in her response. But I hadn

’t fully realized how far apart her replies had become until right this instant.

Now she was calling for the first time ever.

Fulfilling her promise, maybe? She’d probably been out with her new lover today. Guilt kicking in before bed.

Better tell old Rory to stop fussing at me so much, as my new man doesn’t like it.

My stomach twisted in tandem with the vise around my heart. I sat up straighter and sent the call to voicemail.

Like a coward.

“Not all of us are like you,” I said to Ian, once I could speak around the lump in my throat.

“Are you referring to your lack of flowing tresses? And it is a lack, but you still got yourself a mighty fine woman just the same. She’s been hanging around with Maggie and Zoe, you know.”
