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“My ‘attitude’ is the least of what you deserve, pal. She isn’t a truck stop for you.”

I nodded. “I understand that, and I regret deeply if my behavior indicated to her I didn’t…care for her.”

“Care for her?” He cocked a brow. “Gee, don’t be so effusive. Vowels are free, just in case you missed the memo. And did it ever occur to you maybe she moved on?”

The pang in my chest nearly knocked me back a step. Was this the confirmation I’d feared? Perhaps that was exactly why I’d chosen to come here rather than to look for her at the diner.

This way, there was a chance that August would clue me in that Ivy was no longer interested. I hadn’t consciously expected him to be home on a weekday afternoon, but maybe I’d been hoping to be let down easier.

Except this wasn’t that. Not even close. Nothing could be easier when it came to Ivy—my Ivy—finding someone else. Especially now that I’d finally manned up and decided I wanted to claim her.

Not like a trophy or a prize, but as the gift she was. I wanted the world to know she was mine. I wanted her to know that too.

I’d had time to think and rethink my actions. All I knew was she made me a better man. With her, I was happy. Hopeful. We had fun together and Christ almighty, she made me crazy. In every possible way.

If she allowed me back into her life, I would be a lucky man indeed.

“Yes, it occurred to me. I can’t imagine the amount of men who must want her.”

August’s face reddened. “You are a vile human. Seriously.”

It made me laugh, when I didn’t think I still could. “I’m sorry. Not appropriate considering. I’m just saying she’s a wonderful woman, and any man would be honored to have her at his side.”

August crossed his arms again and lifted a brow, clearly waiting.

“I did everything all wrong with her. Not by design. I came here for work and never expected to meet Ivy. I haven’t—” I blew out a breath. “I haven’t had many relationships, and I don’t have a clue how to do them.”

“That’s the first sensible thing you’ve said since you came in here.”

“Well, it’s brutal truth. I didn’t come to Crescent Cove looking for a girlfriend. I bitterly resented having to come here at all. But meeting Ivy is the best thing that has ever happened to me.” Shaking my head, I smiled ruefully. “Just goes to show, doesn’t it?”

“You really mean that?”

I nodded because I couldn’t speak.

“She’s a sweet woman and I don’t want her to be hurt. She thinks she’s so tough—and she is, believe you me—but she’s vulnerable too. Especially now.”

I frowned. “Why especially now? Because of me?”

God, I hated the thought of that. Hurting Ivy for even a second didn’t sit well with me. She’d given me nothing but joy.

August’s lips quirked. Not in a smile exactly, or a frown. More like a combination of the two. “You could say that.”

“Whatever I’ve done, I’ll make it up to her. I promise. I’ve come here with new resolve.”

“Uh-huh. Because a ladybug changes her spots.”

He had a good point. I was determined to do right by Ivy, but maybe I wasn’t capable of more. I’d been alone for so long, and I liked my life as it was. Perhaps this was all I could hope to have—

I slapped my wrist. August’s eyes widened.

Jesus H, I was going to kill Ian for making me look like even more of an arse. Although the slap had helped to redirect my thoughts.

So, maybe it wasn’t so bad.

“I brought her a sweater from Ireland.” Only once the words were out of my mouth did I realize how foolish they sounded. “My mum made it. For Ivy. Once I told her I was in love with—”

August held up his hand. “You’re in love with her?”
