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“There’s no sleeping on sleepovers, didn’t you know?”

I laughed and caught Gideon’s gaze across the room. Definitely wasn’t touching that one. “Smells amazing in here.”

“Dad’s making his pancakes. Do you like bacon?”

“I love bacon and all forms of meat.”

Gideon’s lips twitched. “Well, you’re in luck. I also put the electric kettle on so you could make coffee in the French Press.”

“Look at you all fancy.”

He shrugged. “Only way I’ve figured out to make my coffee taste remotely like yours.”

“I’m sure you still fail spectacularly.”

“You’re a hard woman, Macy.”

But there was nothing but humor in his voice so I didn’t bristle up. Instead, I crossed to the man holding out a piece of perfectly crispy bacon for me. Perfect enough for me to eat it even before coffee was saying something.

He stole a kiss before I got the bacon and I wasn’t mad about it.

Dani happily chirped about school and buying more decorations for the house. I’d helped attack the dining room with decorations Dani had dragged out from the attic last night, but she wanted more that were like mine at the store.

“It’s a little late in the season, but that usually means we can get a good deal.” I took a healthy sip of my coffee. “We’ll go this week.”

“Awesome.” Dani stabbed her fork through a heart-shaped mini pancake.

Gideon’s phone started buzzing halfway through the meal. He tried to ignore it, but it kept going off. He looked down at it finally when it turned into a phone call instead of his text message tone. “I should take this.”

“About The Haunt?”

He shook his head. “For once, no.”

Unlike him to not give specifics. The back of my neck buzzed, but I forced myself to ignore the sensation.

He looked at his watch and swore. “I’ve got to take her to school.”

“I’ll take her on my way.”


I shrugged. No big. “Yeah, sure.”

He growled at his phone ringing in his hand again. “That would help me a ton.” He gave me a distracted kiss on the cheek and stalked out of the room.

I gathered the dirty dishes on my way to the dishwasher. “Guess it’s you and me, kiddo.”

“Can we listen to One Direction in the car?”

I laughed. “Only if you clear the table.”

She raced around the table and collected cups and dishes at a truly impressive rate of speed.

“And if you know all the words.”

Dani grinned. “Alexa play ‘Drag Me Down’.”

And look at that, she knew all the words.
