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I pressed a light kiss to her mouth and led her back to bed. “Stay with me tonight.”

“I should really head home.”

I flicked back the covers. “I promise I won’t ask for more if you still want to leave in the morning. I hope I can change your mind.” I took her hand and toyed with the ring on her thumb. I’d need to add that to the drawing. “Give me tonight, at least.”

She sat on the mattress and tucked her legs under the sheet. I turned out the light and slid in beside her. Sometimes the dark was an easier place to talk. I curled her into my body, my front to her back until she relaxed against my chest.

“Tell me about your new job.”

She settled into the abundance of pillows. “It’s not really new.”

“Feels new.”

“More like advancing from intern to novice.”


“I’ve been going to night school—or day. However you want to put it. Part time for a really long time. In between working two jobs, I was able to get some experience at the salon while I took all the ce

rtification classes. But I also had to get so many hours in at the school salon. It was a lot of hair-cutting for free. Well, mostly free. I was able to get some tips on the side, but the school does cheap haircuts to get people to come in. The one nice thing is I learned to cut all hair types. It broadened my training, going slower.”

She lightly drew her nails up and down my arm as she spoke of the various hardships of training to get ready to go out into the real world. Like an apprenticeship. I likened it to my own job. I’d worked as a teaching assistant for peanuts until I’d finally finished my education to be a professor.

I’d felt like something was missing, so I’d turned to art. I understood some of what she was describing.

“Because school took so long, I feel like I can go right to a booth rental at Melody’s shop.”

I threaded my fingers through her hair as she spoke about her dreams. For the first time, it seemed like I was getting to know her.

At least it was a start.

“I can work for myself, finally. No one else.”

“Seems like you’ve been doing that all along.”

“It’s different.” Her voice was getting drowsy. “I actually think I’m ready for the first time.”

I continued to stroke her hair, a sensation of peace coming over me. This was right where I was supposed to be. She was exactly who—and what—I’d been meant to find.

Her deep, even breathing dragged me along into dreams as well. I dreamed of her in a strange old house with rooms of all different sizes. A maze of a place full of towers and large glass arches. Her voice was a soft echo full of laughter, but it always seemed just out of reach.

Finally, I found her on the wraparound porch. A white dress shirt teased her thighs, and those big gold hoop earrings glinted almost as brightly as her smile.

A knock at the door dragged me out of the dream.

Sun slanted into the room. I rolled over, but the sheets had long ago cooled.

She was gone.

I stumbled out of bed and jerked on my jeans. Another knock had me scrubbing my face with my hands to wake up. “What?”

“Maid service.”

“Can you come back?”

“Yes, sir.”

I glanced around the room. There wasn’t a trace of her left. Her coat, her bag, and even her scarf were all gone this time.
