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“You’re avoiding my question.”

“It’s not a date.”

“Riigghhttt.” She drags out the word. “Sure it’s not.”

“Catch me up on what’s been going on in your life.”

I look up at the screen hoping to see my section full so we don’t have to talk about this. Not that I don’t talk to Chloe, I do. She’s been there for me through so much, but this relationship with Easton is new, and I’m afraid to talk about it. I don’t want to jinx it. That’s the worrier in me.

“Living the dream, how about you?” she turns it back on me.

“Nothing to report,” I lie.

She gives me the “I know you’re full of shit” look and crosses her arms ove

r her chest. “Try again.”

“Fine, we’ve been hanging out. He calls and texts a lot. He went to P’s game yesterday.”

“Did he now?” She smirks. “I’m guessing he was the main attraction?”

“The parents, both moms and dads, were falling all over themselves to meet him, to talk to him. The kids were awestruck….” I trail off thinking about it.

“What are you not telling me?”

“Nothing, he was great. When he was asked for an autograph, he told them he was with his family and to call the main office and he would get it for them, but not then.”

“So now you’re his family?” Her smile is so big I think I can actually hear it, the happiness in the sound of her voice.

“It was just a way for him to get out of signing autographs. We would have been there all night.”

She studies me a few minutes, and I try not to squirm under her gaze. “What else?”

“Nothing, we hung out at his place beforehand.”

“Damn, Larissa, it’s like pulling teeth to get any information out of you. What gives?”

“I just… I don’t want to jinx it. I really like him, and Paisley, I think she’s already getting attached to him too. It’s all happening so fast.”

“You’re the only one who can judge how fast or slow whatever it is you two have goes. If it feels right, it feels right. P is a strong little girl. She can handle it. You can’t shelter her from getting hurt her entire life.”

“I know that. I do, and I’m letting him in. It just seems like it’s been a whirlwind. He calls us ‘his girls.’” I try to hide my smile, but it’s pointless.

“Spill.” She narrows her eyes at me as she laughs.

“Fine, we went to his place and swam, then took a nap, went to P’s game, then I took P to Mom’s, went back to his place and stayed the night.”

“Who took a nap?” she asks.

“We all did.”


“His bed.”

“Larissa!” she says, exasperated.

“The three of us lay down on his monster of a bed. Paisley between us and took a nap with her before her game.”
