Page 91 of Dirty Heat

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“Girl, bye. My lips are sealed. I love Craig and all. But my loyalties lie with you, boo. Still…” She pauses as she reaches for her third glass of Chardonnay. She takes a slow sip, eyeing me over the rim.

“Still, what?”

“This wine tastes good, though.”

I laugh, balling up a napkin and tossing it at her. “Screw you, heifer.”

“Mmph. No thanks. Someone else already has that position.”

“I can’t stand you.”

She smiles. “Lies. But seriously, Kisha; you need to let Craig go if you’re not happy with him. You know he doesn’t deserve this.”

I frown. “Why does it feel like you’re on his side?”

“I’m not on his side. I’m not on anyone’s side. All I’m saying is, you and I both know you have a good man. Do you know how many women would kill to be in your shoes right now? I’d hate to see you throw it all away for a piece of dick that isn’t even yours.”

“I know, I know. You’re right.” I shift in my seat. “But I’m not ready to let go. Not yet. That man has me doing things I haven’t even done with Craig.”

She smirks. “You’re such a slut.”

“Only at the office, boo. Only at the office.”

We both crack up laughing.

“So when do I get to meet this sexy sidepiece?”

“Well, as a matter of fact,” I say, a smile easing over my glossed lips. “What are you doing next Thursday evening? His wife is going out of town for a few days, so we’re going to spend the night together in the city.”

She blinks. Blinks again. “What?” she shrieks in disbelief. She repeats what I’ve said, then shakes her head. “Oh, heifer, now I know you are really out of control.”

I smirk, placing my glass up to my lips and taking a sip. “I’m simply living on the edge a little.”

She reaches over and grabs my hand. “Kisha, girl, I love you. But this shit you’re doing is dead wrong. No judgment. Do you. But…” she squeezes my hand, “you do know there’s the possibility that this won’t end pretty?”

I gulp down the rest of my drink, then slowly say, “I know.”

• • •

“Hey,” I say, walking into the bedroom. It’s been a week since Sonji’s cryptic warning, but that hasn’t kept me from being with Charles every chance I can. In fact, we’ve been going at it hot and heavy. Sexing all through our firm’s building. My office, his office, in the conference room, the copier room, the file room, even at the receptionists’ desk—wherever, we’ve been fucking, fucking, fucking.

Tonight, he ate my pussy in the backseat of his SUV, then I kindly returned the favor—stretching out my jaws and sucking him whole until he exploded his hot load down my throat—before sliding into my own vehicle, and heading home.

Craig is sitting up in bed, bare-chested, holding the TV’s remote in his hand flipping through channels. “Where you been?” His slanted brown eyes never leave the forty-six-inch flat-screen mounted on the wall.

“At the office,” I say calmly, slipping out of my heels, then sliding my skirt down over my hips.

He peels his eyes away from the television, just long enough to shoot me a look of disbelief that screams, “You lying bitch!”

He frowns. “This late? It’s almost eleven o’clock.”

“I know. I should have called you. With this big trial coming up, there are so many loose ends and still a lot to do to prepare. I honestly loss track of time.”

He looks away. The muscles in his jaw tighten. “I called you three times. And left you two messages.” Suddenly his voice is clipped and it’s clear he isn’t happy that I hadn’t returned any of his calls.

“I didn’t get them,” I say, quickly moving about the room, removing my blouse, then my bra.

