Page 100 of Between the Sheets

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My stomach lurches. She’s going to let everyone know that I fucked her in her ass. I only know this because she’s nice enough to translate it back to me as she yells out, “Marika Kennedy is a lesbian bitch!”

I stop in my tracks, mortified, feeling my gut clench as she shoulders her way out the glass door. My whole body shakes. I attempt to grab ahold of the wall to keep from falling, but one of the security guards catches me before I hit the floor.

“Missus Kennedy, is everything okay?” he asks, eyeing me cautiously. “Should we call the police?”

I shake my head. “No, no. No police,” I say, the tremble still evident in my voice. “I don’t want them getting involved. We’ll deal with this in-house for now.” I take a deep breath. Try desperately to steady my nerves.

“Marika Kennedy is a lesbian bitch!”

It’s hush money!

He wants me to have an abortion…

I swallow back a scream. I fight to keep my composure as I calmly say, “And I’d like to know I can count on the two of you to keep what you witnessed and heard today quiet. I don’t want this mess getting out.”

“We have no idea what you’re talking about,” he says, sounding genuine. Still…I know how everyone loves spreading rumors and juicy gossip. Although all of our employees sign non-disclosure agreements, you can never be certain. They both lock their gazes on me and assure me that nothing will ever be repeated.

I want, need, to believe them. Desperately. But I can see it in their eyes. Judgment.

“But if she ever shows her face here again, I want the police called, immediately. No questions asked.”

“Say no more,” Roman, the younger of the two, says. I make a mental note to write them both a hefty check for their loyalty and to ensure their silence as I walk off, feeling their eyes on me as my heels click against the polished marble.

I don’t fucking believe this shit! Crazy bitch!

As I’m making my way down the hall, one of the elevator doors slide open, and Marcel is stepping off.

The last person I wish to fucking see right now!

My nostrils flare and my eyes blaze.

“Marika,” he says rushing to me. He glances around the lobby. “What happened? I got your texts.” His Bvlgari cologne sweeps around me as he steps up to me. I try not to take a deep whiff of him, but he smells delicious. Any other time the smell of his cologne would be an aromatic aphrodisiac that makes my pussy pucker with lust. But the fact that some dick-hungry bitch is after him has me coming unhinged all over again, quelling any possible desires for him.

I turn away from him, and stalk off toward the bank of elevators, unwilling to have this discussion with him. I am still beside myself with rage. I’ve never been more humiliated in my entire life. That dirty bitch!

“Marika.” Dead silence. I’m too drunk with anger to speak. “Marika, tell me what’s going on. What happened?”

I whirl around to face him. “That bitch,” I hiss, “is what happened. Now leave me alone so I can think.”

His face tightens. “Yo, really, Marika?” He glances over at the security desk. Once again, we have a small audience. Marcel lowers his voice. “You see around you? Are you sure you wanna do this right here?”

Before I can catch myself I blurt out, “I’m sick of this shit. I didn’t sign up for some whore-ass, nutty bitch disrespecting me. I told you she was a fucking problem. But, nooo. You thought I was being paranoid.” I turn on my heels.

With a firm grasp on my arm, Marcel turns me back around. He takes a breath. “Now I’m askin’ you nicely, aiight? You need to calm the fuck down and talk to me.”

I yank my arm away. “Get your hands off of me. Don’t tell me to calm down! Where the hell were you when that bitch was insulting me, huh? Probably somewhere stuffed in some coat closet with your goddamn dick shoved down in some trick’s greedy throat.”

Oh God!

Marika, girl, pull it together! What the hell is the matter with you?

I know I am making a scene but I am too goddamn pissed to care.

Marcel’s nose flares. “Yo, I’ma act like I didn’t hear that shit.” He grabs my arm firmly and pulls me into a small conference room, then lets me go once the door is closed. He locks the door behind him.

“I know you’re upset right now. But do you mind telling me what the fuck is going on? Since when you start showin ya muhfuckin’ ass in public, huh?”

Before I can reign in my temper, I go off, cursing and screaming. Accusing him of wanting to be with that bitch. Calling him all kinds of son-of-a-bitches. I am wild with anger. “And now that crazy bitch is saying she’s goddamn pregnant…by you!”
