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“No, but they remix the fuck out of her shit. Sacrilege.”

“So, your request isn’t going to be ‘Get Right’?”

Decker laughed. It was a full belly laugh with his head tilted back. “You know the name of one of her songs?”

“Dude, she’s ‘Jenny From the Block.’”

“Bronx girls ’til death.”

“Well, I started in Montana, but I’m an honorary New Yorker.”

“I won’t hold it against you.”

I shook my head. “Just don’t say ‘Freebird’.”

“While an amazing song, I was thinking a little more 90’s.”

“Please don’t say NSYNC.”

“Dear God.”

I crossed my arms and just gave up on hating the guy. “Should I keep guessing?”


“As in “Paint it Black”?” Not that the original was from the 90’s, but I was pretty sure some of the covers had come out then.

“A solid choice, but I was thinking more of the Pearl Jam persuasion.”

“Oh.” Huh. Well, that was interesting. And one that we played often when we were just fucking around with instruments when we weren’t on stage. “Actually, Jamie does a killer version of it.”

Decker’s eyes brightened. “Is that right?”

“Yeah, she doesn’t sing often, but she’s got this Pat Benatar husky killer thing when she really lets it rip. Bet I can even get Oz to sing with her.” I rubbed my hands together. “Maybe this charity gig is going to rock, after all.”

“Thought that would be a harder sell.”

“What are we selling?”

“Speak of the devil.”

Jamie shook back her ultra-violet tipped hair. “Aww, and I forgot my horns.”

“Or you left them at with your kidnap victim,” I quipped.

“Dude, he was enjoying every second of his incarceration.”

Decker’s eyebrows shot up.

Jamie tapped one long finger against his lapel. “Care to be my next victim?” In her boots, she stood eye-to-eye with Decker. “I’ll only make you beg a little.” She licked her wine-colored lips. “Or a lot. Depends on the ask.”

“Down, girl.” I hooked my arm around her neck and drew her away from her future mark. The woman was shameless. “Decker here wanted to know if we could play a song.”

“Is that right?” Her voice cooled.

“Don’t worry it’s not something lame.”

She tucked her thumbs into her low-slung leather pants and cocked a hip. “Now I’m more interested.”
