Page 22 of Bulletproof Weeks

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“Are you done?”

Unbelievable. The woman was going to send him to the asylum. Christ. He stepped away from her.

She caught the tail of his shirt and dragged him back. “No. You’ve walked away from me enough for my taste, Mr. King.”


The surprise and anger that flitted across his face were just what she wanted. She wanted him mad. Because she was freaking murderous. How dare that woman think she could control him like that? More importantl

y, that she could control them. Fuck no. That bitch thought she could pull their strings like a mad puppetmaster, but Aimee was going to find out just how big Bella’s damn scissors were.

Logan looked down at her hand. “What exactly do you think I could have done differently?”

“Call her bluff. Walk up to her and pull out her stupid stripe-y hair and toss her off a cliff?”

His eyebrows shot up. “Jesus, Izzy.”

“What the hell is she going to do to me?”

“She’s no back alley barmaid that’s going to swing a punch in a jealous fit. She’s got connections I couldn’t even dream about.”

“And what has Marcus Roth done to help you figure it out? Just watch and wait?”

“No.” He curled his fingers around hers in his shirt with a sigh. “Come sit down and we’ll talk about it like civilized people.”

“I don’t feel civilized.” She followed him to the couch and swiped the blanket off the cushion. He sat down and she curled into him. Sitting at the other end of the couch wasn’t going to get it done now. “I want to rip her eyes out and feed them to her.”

“Man, is it any wonder that I love you?”

Startled, she hit her head on his chin. “What?”

“Ow. Dammit, babe.”

She grabbed his beard from each side of his face and pulled him down to her. “That’s the first time you’ve really said it.”

The corner of his mouth lifted in that endearing half-smile that made her insane. “Like there’s a doubt?” He brushed his lips over hers. “Fridays were the best and worst day of the week for me.” He nuzzled her nose. “That’s when Roth sent me a weekly report. A single photo as proof that you were fine.”

She stroked along the ridge of his brow down his cheek. “You know that’s mildly creepy, right?”

He let out a rueful laugh. “Now who’s the stalker, right?” He turned his back into the corner of the couch and settled her against his chest.

She looked up at him. “Does she scare you that much, Logan?” He stiffened and she quickly turned in his arms so she could face him. “No hit to the ego here. Do you honestly think she’s capable of doing something?”

“I’m not the first. It’s been hard to gather information on her because she’s got a lot of damn money. Her father has covered up for more than one indiscretion.”

Her chest tightened. “Like what?”

“In college there was a guy who ended up dropping out. You don’t drop out of Columbia University without cause. Especially when the kid was on full scholarship. But he enrolled in Princeton a year later with a special endowment. And there wasn’t much of paper trail for what he did for that year off. Not even a work history. He was completely off grid.”

She frowned. “So, what? You think it was a payoff from her parents?”

“It goes to pattern. But where was he for that year?”

Bella settled the blanket in her lap and sat cross legged in front of him. She really needed to be wearing more than just his shirt. “What does Marcus think?”

“He doesn’t like any of it. He’s one of the best investigators in the security business and even he can’t dig up anything concrete.” Logan raked his fingers through his hair. “I drive him nuts, but I won’t risk you.”

The idea that anyone could be unbalanced enough to go after her just because she and Logan started a relationship absolutely baffled her. But she’d read more than one newspaper article about how far stalkers could go. To have it actually be a part of her life was the part that she couldn’t wrap her head around.
