Page 21 of Bulletproof Weeks

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“You let Aimee take that? You let her?”

“I froze. Nothing I’d ever felt before could match that last night before we went out into that festival. Even that day. The sun was shining and you made me feel normal for the first time in a long goddamn time. Then she was just there.” The world had narrowed to a pinpoint of reality. Aimee’s stench soured the air and contaminated his skin when she’d touched him.

“You left me hanging, Logan.” Her voice dragged him back. “You stepped away from me and then she was saying all this nonsense. With a smile no less. And the cameras and people were everywhere and you said nothing.” The broken tones of her words shamed him all over again.

“Izzy,” he said helplessly.

“What was I supposed to think?”

The urge to walk away geysered inside him. Anything not to face the pain shimmering in her eyes. Because he’d fucked up. Utterly and completely.

“I’m sorry, Izzy. I’d say it for every day if I could. All one hundred and forty-four days that you’ve been gone.”

She swiped at the tears. “It still doesn’t explain all those days. All you had to do was talk to me.”

He’d give anything not to tell her. He’d dragged her into his shitstorm, had hoped that if he pushed her away that he could deal with it. Shield her from it at all costs.

And now, if he told her and she wanted to walk away, then so be it.

She twisted the front of his shirt. “I know there’s more.”

“Aimee’s been escalating.”

Izzy tipped her head to the side, a frown gathering her brows together. “Did she try to hurt you?” Her voice was barely a whisper.

Some things that Roth had found in Aimee’s past made him damn wary. He wasn’t the first man to have filed a grievance, but he was the only one not to cancel the restraining order. He’d tried to talk to the other men, but they’d shut him down.

The entire situation screamed payoff.

Aimee had set her sights quite a bit higher this time. Her parents’ money wouldn’t quiet him though.

She gripped his sides. “Logan King, you answer me.”

“No, Izzy.” He swallowed. Again, he wanted to walk. He didn’t want to put this on her. “Aimee threatened to hurt you.”

Her gaze snapped to his. “What?”

“She threatened you.”

“When?” she whispered.

“Saturday. As soon as she saw me with you.”

“But you made the decision we were over before that, right?”

“No. I—” He’d fumbled, and he’d broken things off. It was by far the easier choice, but he knew himself. He wouldn’t have been able to stay away from her. Aimee took the choice away from him a mere hour after.

“You made the choice. You didn’t confide in me and you took my choice away. I would have stood with you, Logan.”

Incredulous, he simply stared. “After four days? Really?”

“How do you know? You didn’t believe in us enough—believe in me enough.”

He swiped his thumb along her cheek. “You can honestly say that you wouldn’t have run screaming? You want a home, a family. I’m…” He pressed his forehead to hers. “I’m such a bad bet.”

“Done feeling sorry for yourself?”

He jerked back. “What?”
