Page 20 of Heart Signs

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“I think I’m taking a little hiatus from that.” She shored her purse up on her shoulder and gave him what he figured was her serious face. “Sometimes sex gets in the way of stuff.”

Since he hadn’t figured out how to do “it” post-Dani yet, her declaration didn’t faze him too badly. “Like what?”

“I don’t know. Relationships. Meaningful interactions with men that don’t include ripping down their pants and sucking them off without any meager attempts at conversation first.” She gave a sheepish shrug. “That kind of thing.”

Sam twisted the rag between his hands. “Some guys probably like being sucked off without talking first.”

She snorted. “Yeah, probably. But I’m trying something new. So, ah, you wanna go to that car show in November?”

He knew the surprise had to telegraph across his face. “You’re asking me out?”

“Not necessarily. As friends. Friendly people who like cars.” Now she was twisting her fingers together. A lot of twisting going on with them today. Nice to know he wasn’t the only nervous one. “It’s okay if you don’t want to. I was just thinking—”

“I like when you think.” He shut his eyes and shook his head. “Smooth, Miller. See? We’ll get along just fine.”

Her laughter bubbled up and washed over him, as airy as the breeze that skittered the newly fallen autumn leaves across the parking lot. “So?”

“It’s the fourth and fifth, right?” A little more than five weeks from now. A long-ass time. Not so long considering he’d never even laid eyes on her before yesterday and had erroneously believed for almost two years that she was a man. But still. After what had happened between them, he didn’t know if he was ready to let her disappear from his view so fast.

Especially not with his letters.

“Yes. In Shalesville. Have you ever been?”

Only every year. “Yeah, a few times. You?”

“I’ve been to a few shows over the years but not that particular one.”

“Developing an interest in classic cars?”

“I always had one but I never spent much time pursuing it. Now I am. Besides,” she jerked her chin at her raggedy sedan, “that baby’ll be snapped up in a hot minute if I bring her around. I’ll probably leave the fairgrounds with an offer in my pocket.”

“Probably.” He ducked his head and grinned. “I’ll go to the car show with you on one condition.”

“What’s that?”

He didn’t fully know what his condition would be until the words were out of his mouth. All he knew was he liked the way he felt when he was around her. Something about her smile, about the way she looked directly into his eyes, made him feel less like a grief-stricken shell and more like a man. Someone not fundamentally broken.

Someone who could start living again. Who even wanted to.

“Go to Loki’s with me next Saturday.”

“Deal.” Her rapid agreement made his grin deepen. “Busy this Saturday?”

“Yeah.” He’d promised his mom he’d help her clean out her spare room. He needed the time with his family. His little brothers, two still at home, were always good for his mood. “Family thing.”


“But next week, I’m all yours.”

“Sounds like a plan. Just be prepared.”

“For what?”

“Loki’s gets a little loud.”

Yeah, she’d need help seeing him as other than the widowed spouse. Giving her his letters to Dani probably hadn’t been the smartest move but he’d felt compelled. Much as he felt compelled to keep her in his sights just a little longer. “I’ve been to sports bars before.”

“My friends are kinda insane.”
