Page 6 of The Masseur

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“Inside me. You…inside me. Now.”

Lynae begged for more. She’d never done that. Ever. She widened her knees, bucked against his tongue. Jared added another finger and another until moan after groan wept from her mouth.

When he withdrew his fingers and his mouth left her, a longing like never before entered her heart. Until she felt the broad head of his dick slide over her in teasing strokes.

“Do you want this, Lynae?” he asked.

In between the sexual rapture, she sensed need in his voice, almost a plea if that was possible.

“Do you want me?”

“Yes, please, Jared. You…just you.”

She realized that through this experience meant only for her pleasure, only her gratification, she hadn’t touched him. Not once. She lifted her hands, framed his face, and pulled him toward her. She took his sensual mouth, his beautiful lips, and kissed him. Lynae swept her tongue inside and tasted her essence.

With a harsh grown, he plowed into her. A stroke so full and deep, it drove her back off the bed.

“Yes,” she hissed.

This was what she needed. His

thick, driving dick sinking inside her, over and over again. She clamped the walls of her pussy around him and experienced all of him. They stared at one another, their gazes locked. She finally saw what color his eyes were. Green. A fierce, intense jade bore into her own chocolate brown ones as though he could see not just in, but through her soul.

He reached between them, gathered her clit between the tips of his fingers, and tugged. The pressure began to build, swelling as he fed her all of him. She was restless underneath him. She couldn’t get enough, couldn’t feel enough. She blew out several panting breaths. He was so thick and so hard, he literally impaled her.

Taking both of her hands, he linked them together with his above her head. “So good. So tight. So fucking good,” he rasped. “Is it everything you hoped for?” He bit the words out between clenched teeth.

“More…so much more.” She was barely able to choke the words past her throat.

He laughed low and throaty and began to move in slow, strong, deliberate glides deep inside her, rocking her body like no one had ever done before.

“Not yet…please. Last. Longer,” she hissed.

Their gazes melded, neither able to look away. Again, he sought after her thick, throbbing clit. In a slow, sensual rhythm, he twisted, penetrated, plunged into her, over and over. Sexual agony infused with an aching desire for completion took over. He alternated between quick thrusts and slow, shallow plunges that pressed her body deep into the soft cushions of the table.

He slanted his lips over hers and pulled her into a kiss.

From the walls of her pussy to the tips of her toes, she shattered into a zillion tiny ecstasy-filled pieces. Her fingers clutched at his shoulders, twined in his hair, and she screamed. The inner muscles of her pussy contracted. Fulfillment. Utterly fierce. Star-blinding completeness.

Holding her breath, Lynae fell back against the bed until air whooshed out. Then she felt his body tense, his arms shaking where they were braced on either side of her. A low, rasping sound came from his throat as he began to tremble almost violently. In wonder, she watched this gorgeous, beautiful man as he roared out his release.

He fell down on top of her, his head resting on her shoulder. She couldn’t help but wrap her arms around him and rake her hands slowly up and down his back as his breathing became normal again.

Minutes later, he rose up on one elbow, their bodies still touching, and looked at her. Just looked. An expression she couldn’t quite comprehend crossed over his face before he got off the massage table and went to the sink. On her side, she watched his delicious ass as he took a towel and wet it with warm water.

When he walked back to her, he said, “Lie back.”

Then he did something totally unexpected. He began to clean her.

She reached for the towel. “You don’t have to do that.”

Their gazes collided. “I want to.”

Easing back, she allowed him to finish. With painstaking care, he cleansed her, rinsing out the towel two times before he was finished. She swung her legs over the side of the massage table as he grabbed his pants and put them back on and slipped on his shirt.

Leaning forward, he kissed her on the cheek. “I’ll let you get dressed. I’ll be up front.”

“Okay,” she said, quietly.
