Page 7 of The Masseur

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Once again, she heard the soft click as he shut the door behind him. She was overwhelmed. She couldn’t fathom it, couldn’t explain it. After dressing, she walked back to the front desk. “Jared?” All the lights had been turned off.

She stepped behind the check-in desk and looked in the office, but she didn’t see him. When she looked toward the front door, she saw it.

A basket with a note sticking out the top.

Questions lingered on the tip of her tongue as she walked toward it, wanting to know so much more about him. In the basket sat two bottles. Massage therapy oils. She smiled. Apricot and jojoba, just like what he’d used on her, she was sure.

And the note.

Until we meet again.

Jared, The Masseur

She held the basket and the note close to her chest. With a huge smile on her face, she walked to her car, taking out her keys. Inside, Lynae turned the key in the ignition, but before driving off, she looked back. Thoughts and words failed her as a tear dripped out of her eye. Why was she crying? Although she was aware this was just a job for him, she knew at that very moment she’d never forget him.

“Goodbye, Jared,” she whispered. Gunning the engine, she drove off.

In her rearview mirror, she could almost swear she saw him standing in the doorway as she remembered his inscrutable jade eyes, his tender touch. She thought back to the first time she saw him and to her sister telling her to treat what happened like it was a one-night stand. For some reason, she almost wished it was. If that were the case, she could almost see herself running into him again, seeing him again.

But now, the only thing she had was a dream, a wonderful erotic memory. As she merged into traffic on the highway, Lynae knew she’d always remember him, and regret that she’d never see him again.

Or would she?
