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“Jesus,” she seethed, which was new, because she didn’t normally curse in any sort of way. “Is that how it is everywhere you go? Honestly, I almost feel sorry for you.”

The fact that she assumed the best was flattering, really. That Brittany was flirting with him because she wanted to sleep with him, not because she already had.

Ross swallowed down the strange urge to apologize. Instead, he grabbed Alix around her tiny waist, his hands grazing her bare skin where the tank ended. She was hot. Her skin was like fire and it did all sorts of weird things to him. He felt like he’d just downed a glass of the horrible witch’s brew that Chance used to mix up behind his parent’s bar when they weren’t home. A little of this, a little of that, so they wouldn’t notice anything missing. It burned like fire and tasted worse than horse piss- not that he’d ever tasted horse piss- but it was the violent churning in his stomach and the light headedness afterwards that he hated most.

He felt like that. Like his head was going to float off his body. His breathing shallowed out and his stomach sloshed around. He felt like there was bubbles in his blood and he might not live long enough to actually eat that burger or enjoy the shake. His cock had other ideas about dying. The bastard was living life to the fullest and he had to angle himself away from Alix to prevent touching her with it.

Second base didn’t involve cock. He could kiss her. He could live with himself after. Touching her with his dick, even through clothes, was another matter entirely. No matter what Chance said, if the guy found out that he’d done anything inappropriate with his sister, it would be game over for a lifelong friendship. He’d probably gouge out his eyes, cut off his balls, and do a swap, call it even and offer him a beer.

“Here’s your shake.” Brittany was back, her sugary voice dripping all over their order.

Ross released Alix, who stepped back looking a little dazed. He grabbed up the burger, his shake, and the giant ice cream cone and dashed away from the window as fast as he could. Another couple ambled up behind them, so he was free to make his escape.

Alix’s eyes were still a little glazed over when he handed her the heaping ice cream cone. He inspected it first, just to make sure Brittany hadn’t thrown any shade, pubes, or spit on it. Nope. It looked good to go.

A shiver went through Alix when their knuckles grazed. He felt it echoed right beneath his belly button. He’d been touching women’s hands for a lot of years now and never felt lightheaded. He’d never felt shivery either. He had a raging hard on, but that was normal. Unnerving because of who he was with, but it wasn’t a big surprise. His dick didn’t care that this was Alix Bear and that he’d known her since the day she literally came home from the hospital. His dick noticed that she was warm, curvy, had tight little breasts and an even tighter ass that her jeans cupped just right, never ending legs and gorgeous lips that could be used for more than just eating that ice cream.

Her little pink tongue came out and danced around the butterscotch shell on the soft serve and god. Damn. It. He had to angle away again, pointing out a picnic table just to distract her before his dick actually tore its way out of his jeans.

“You want to sit over there?” The tables were lumped together on a grassy patch by the parking lot. Seagulls cawed and squawked overhead while children ran around, chasing each other and parents tried to tell them to come sit down and eat their fries. A hum of conversation littered the area and someone’s dog barked.

“I’d rather just go for a walk,” Alix said. She licked at her ice cream again while he tried to pretend he didn’t notice her doing it. “The wasps are really bad at the tables.” She licked at her cone again before her glowing eyes swept back to his face. “You ordered for me.”

Something in her voice hit him like a kick right to the gut. “Yeah. Of course. You get the same thing every single time. Just like I do.”

“What’s Chance’s order?”

He blinked at her. “What?”

“What’s Chance’s order? He gets the same thing almost every single time too.”

He blinked again. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. He tried to make his brain work to remember what Chance always ordered. He tried to visualize walking up the counter with him, but the only thing he could actually remember was how Chance usually hit on the girls working at the place, just to get free shit. One grin was usually all it took, and his meal was on the house.

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