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“Alix…” Ross wheezed.

Right. He didn’t need her to defend him. He didn’t need her to embarrass the holy hell out of him either. It was bad enough she’d dropped the L-bomb ten seconds after her brother destroyed his nuts, she didn’t have to try and castrate him all over again by talking about future children or lack thereof.

“You can’t love him!” Chance looked at Ross murderously. “He’s like a brother to you. That’s just sick. It’s just wrong.”

“It’s not wrong!” She realized she was nearly hysterical, and her brother would probably make some rude comment later about her being on her stupid period or something because he figured all women were crazy at that time, but there was no toning it down. “It’s not wrong because he’s not my brother. I never saw him like that. And he doesn’t see me like a little sister anymore. I’m a grown woman.”

“That’s obvious,” Chance spat. He whipped his head around to Ross like he wanted to kick his ass all over again, no matter what kind of unfair advantage he’d have. “Jesus Christ. I can’t believe I just walked in on you eating my sister out. Do you have any idea how that’s going to scar me for life? Couldn’t you shut the fucking door?”

“We didn’t think you’d be home,” Alix shouted. “You’ve been gone for days! How was I to know you were going to come back when it seems like your mission is to repopulate the entire state.”

“That’s not my mission. I don’t want a brat. Ever. I always glove up.”

“Yeah, well, then it’s your mission to make sure your dick falls off before your next birthday,” she shot back.

“Didn’t you just hear me? I say I always use a glove.”

“First of all, that’s disgusting.” She made a gagging sound. “Second, they’re not always foolproof. Third, you need to get the hell out of here before I really lose my shit.”

“Lose it. I dare you.”

Alix made sure her eyes were a watery mess and she let her lips quiver. “I’ll cry. I’ll cry and I won’t stop.” It was the one thing Chance hated the most. When women cried, especially her or their mom. “I’ll freaking cry and I’ll sit outside your door all night doing it, telling you how you’ve ruined my life. I’ll follow you around all week in tears. I’ll find out where you’re going and I’ll come there and I’ll wail outside the window, I’ll-”

“Stop!” Chance pushed to his feet. He didn’t offer to help Ross, who was still gasping for air like a dying fish. “Alright! Just stop. I’ll go. We can talk about this later. I need to go puke out everything I ate for the last week and wash my eyes with bleach.”

“Are you sure you don’t mean go for an anal bleaching,” Ross shot back. “Because you seriously are acting like an uptight chick.”

“That’s an insult to women everywhere,” Alix cut in.

Ross just coughed and beat the floor with his fist.

“Don’t ever fuck my sister again!” Chance pointed an accusing finger at Ross. “Or we’re done. Got it?”

“Chance! Come on! You can’t say things like that,” Alix snapped. “That’s not your call.”

“It’s not my call on who I want to hang out with? I might not be able to control him banging you- which is so disgusting I probably won’t be able to stomach food for the next lifetime, but I can say who and who I don’t hang out with.”

“Don’t ruin a lifelong friendship over this,” Alix begged. She tried to sound firm, but her voice came out as more of a whine than she would have liked. “Please. Chance, just calm down. We’ll talk about it. All of us. Later. In an hour.”

“My balls aren’t going to be better in an hour.”

“Shut it!” Chance hissed. “If I catch you with Alix again, I’m cutting them off, douche face, and stuffing them into your ears.”

“Why is it always the balls with you?” Alix asked, more than pissed at her brother. More than done with his little tirade. “You’re always about balls this, balls that. Why don’t you grow a set yourself and listen to me. This. Isn’t. Your. Decision. Act like a grown up for a change. You said you didn’t have a problem with it. You egged us on half the time. You goaded him. So just stop.”

“You stop!” Chance shot back like a five-year-old. “I’m out of here. He better not be here when I get back.”

“Oh yeah? Or you’ll cut off his balls and use them on our tree this Christmas? Make a ball sack skin bag for yourself? Use them to make a new pair of boots? Feed them to the neighbor’s cat? Hang them from your rear-view mirror? What’s it going to be this time, Chance?”

Her brother shook his head, his blonde hair flying all over, his blue eyes sparking with outrage. And humor. She didn’t miss that little gleam that he obviously wished he could hide from her, and she smirked at him in satisfaction. She almost never stood up to him. She took his shit. His teasing. His crassness, his being an asshole, because he was her brother and she’d just learned to deal with it over the years. Chance was just Chance, but this time, he wasn’t getting a free pass.

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