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So, yes. She believed him. She believed in his sincerity. It only took a minute to open your eyes, and Ross had been through a lot in the past two years. Evelyn’s cancer was a wake-up call for all of them. They didn’t have forever. They might not even have tomorrow.

“What is it?” He caressed her cheek gently, but even that sweet gesture sent a hot storm of lust swelling inside of her.

“I- what- I- asked you four years ago if you would take my virginity in the back seat of your car.” She dug in the pocket of her jeans and produced one of the condoms Ross had stolen from her brother and left on her nightstand.

While he was getting dressed in their bathroom, back in the same clothes he’d arrived in what felt like a century ago, and she was busy changing her smoky tank into a clean, fresh, black tank with the head of a lama on it and a fresh pair of her usual favorite- dark skinny jeans, she’d spotted the condoms and grabbed them. It never hurt to be prepared.

Unless she was trying to prepare a cake.

“I remember.” Ross’s lips curled at the edges. “I promise you, I’ll never forget.”

“Well…” she hesitated. He waited, his face calm and placid. The face that she loved so much. She’d watch those features mature and change over the years. She wanted the rest of her life. She wanted to watch those same features change and mature and age. It would be the greatest gift, and honor, anyone could ever entrust her with. “I was wondering if- if you still wanted to. I mean, in the back seat of my car. Since it’s pretty spacious and we can look out and see the stars. Or at least, the water tower. I thought it would be pretty romantic if-”

“Alix!” Ross gripped her shoulders and held her at arm’s length so he could look at her. Really look at her. “What are you talking about?”

She knew she was blushing. Furiously. That her face was probably beet red and the dark likely did nothing to hide it. “I- I did- I did do some experimenting at college. It was never right. I never found- I mean- I never went- I never did that. With anyone. I just didn’t want to. I know that probably makes me the oldest virgin on the planet and I swear I wasn’t lost or pining for you, I really, really wasn’t. I just- my classes were hard, and I was busy and when I wasn’t in school, I was working and I’ve never liked parties, and all the guys I ever met were just- just- not right.”

Ross’s brow arched. “I doubt that makes you the oldest virgin on the planet.”

“I get if you don’t want to. I- I mean, it’s not everyone’s thing… I get if you don’t even want to be with me now because it’s weird and you probably think I’m-”

“Incredible? Gorgeous? Selfless? Kind? Compassionate? Smart as hell? Funny? Witty? Talented? Yeah all of those things. You’re right, you are weird. You are strange, Alix, and that’s what I’ve always loved about you. You’ve never been afraid to be exactly who you are. You’ve never been afraid to go after what you want, even if it means getting humiliated and hating me for four years.”

“I could never hate you. Ever.”

“I could never hate you either. In fact, I feel the exact opposite.”

She gripped him, even though she knew she probably looked like a lovesick, lost puppy. She imagined saying it out loud and Ross telling her that’s exactly what she was, but he’d always liked strays.

“I brought a blanket. For the back. I- and- and I snuck my pillow out too. Er- I- and I have these.” She brought out the other condom, holding them both between her fingers. “You know. In case- well- maybe-”

“Yes.” Ross didn’t wait for her to go on. He took her face in his hands and punished her lips, kissing her furiously, devouring her, leaving absolutely no doubt in her mind that he meant it. What he said. All of it. Each and every word.

He broke apart when they were both breathless, when her lips were actually sore from kissing him.

“You’re sure this is what you want? Here? In your epically huge back seat that may or may not have been used for nefarious purposes by previous owners? I could take you to a hotel. A fancy one. Order flowers. Roses for the bath. Champagne. Chocolates. Exotic dancers. Whatever you want.”

Alix grinned. “This is exactly what I want. Just you. Right here. In the very place we’ve both come to think of as our own.”

Ross ran the pad of his thumb over her kiss swollen lips. “Now it’s ours,” he breathed.
