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“Which is probably why everyone just left us alone in here,” Chance shot back. “Mom and dad are out here smooching it up with all their friends like Ross didn’t almost just die.”

“They’re trying to keep everyone calm.”

Alix had always given her parents the benefit of the doubt. She didn’t think they were heartless. They just honestly weren’t cut out for being real parents. They were too busy early on, running their company, selling RV’s and doing all the shows in the off season so people came and bought their overpriced crap later on in the year, and other than that, they had their own social life. They loved her and Chance, but it wasn’t the same kind of undivided love that other parents gave their children.

“You’re not helping either. Go on. Go get some snacks or something. Come back in fifteen minutes.”

Chance shook his head. He shot her a look that told her that fifteen minutes wasn’t enough to seduce Ross in any lifetime. Just because he had a head wound didn’t mean he’d suddenly changed his mind about being into her.

Just to back up the look, as Chance slithered out of the room, he bent in her ear and whispered. “He’s never going to dick you. Get over it.” He slipped out like he hadn’t said anything at all.

Alix slammed the door. She turned the lock on the handle that she’d installed herself because she wanted her privacy and her parents were never actually around to do it for her or take her seriously.

She faced the door for a moment, her heart beating wildly, beating out of her chest, beating in her ears, her throat, her wrists, beating everywhere. It was like a drum. A death knells.

She pivoted slowly, already fully aware that she was going to declare all-out war, not wave the white flag that Ross probably thought she was going to offer. This shit between them needed to be settled once and for all.

She waited until Ross’s cobalt blue eyes shot to her, electrifying her, causing her blood to sizzle and her skin to burn, just like a real lightning strike. God, did he have to be so freaking handsome? It really wasn’t fair. It only strengthened her resolve.

“San Jose isn’t big enough for two of us. I’m back and I’m not going anywhere. I know you’re not either, so I have a proposition for you. A truce of sorts.”

Ross’s dark brow curled nearly to his hairline, which sat droopy and soaked over his forehead. He blinked at her with ridiculously long, dark lashes that would make most females jealous and the rest sigh over how gorgeous they made Ross’s eyes look. Okay, all women would sigh, and likely all of them would be jealous too.

“Oh yeah? What truce is that?”

Alix twisted her fingers together, just for something to grip, since she had nothing to hang onto. “I want to see what all the fuss is about. Just once. Just one time. You give me that and I’ll be civil. I’ll even pretend that I like you. We could be friends.”

“You mean… you mean have sex with you?” Ross scoffed. “I told you no once. I’m not going to repeat myself.” Something shifted in his features though, and emotion flooded his eyes. Disgust, likely, though she wasn’t going to look at him long enough to find out.

Alix dropped her eyes down to her hands. “No. Not all the way. Just- I want you to make out with me. For half an hour. First and second base. I want to know what every single woman in the world thinks is so great.”

“I could describe it you in detail. It’s about ten inch-”

“Stop!” She pegged him with a death stare, and he winked back at her. Fricking winked. The asshole! “That’s not what I mean. I said make-out. I just want a taste. Am I so gross that the thought is so awful and vile?”

“I might throw up in your mouth,” he confessed, but there was enough humor attached to his tone that it carried the weight of doubt.

She flipped him off. “Fine. It’s on then. I’m going to make your life a living hell from now on. Starting right now. I just locked the door. We’re alone. I have a first aid kit and you have a big bleeding cut on your head. Let me tend to that, oh brother’s best friend. I promise to be super gentle.”

She let out a wicked chuckle and dove for the first aid kit before Ross could reach out and snatch it away from her. She stared him down, unrelenting. He stared back. He blinked first.

He waved his hand in the air like a white flag, declaring his surrender. “Sit down,” he barked, his eyes suddenly glowing feral and icy. “I’m not doing this without conditions.”
