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The inside ended up being just as beautiful as the outside if not more. There was a small, fully functional kitchen in the corner of the open space room, with a breakfast nook made of dark wood separating it from the living area. The big, stone fireplace was at the other side of the room with a comfortable-looking, deep blue couch and accompanying armchairs surrounding it and a wooden coffee table in the middle.

Aria saw a hallway to her left and decided to go in that direction. She found two doors there; one on each side and after a thorough inspection, Aria had found that one belonged to the bathroom and the other to a beautiful, big bedroom. The room was decorated in earthy tones with an enormous, king-size bed in the center of it.

Memories of a different king-size bed and what Will did to her in it, assaulted her and she started to shiver in anticipation. Aria was surprised at how desperately she wanted them to finally have sex, but before that, she needed to do something; she needed to tell Will her story and just the thought of that made her ill.

What if Will felt disgusted by her after hearing it?

Sure, the man didn’t mind Aria’s scars, but the story behind them was on a whole other level and Aria was terrified of what his reaction would be.

Will William, upon hearing the whole story, realize that he had made a mistake? Will he leave Aria and find someone who was not as damaged and broken as she was; someone who was pure and untainted by other men.

Aria sure hoped not, because that would maybe hurt her more than what those men did. She had stupidly fallen in love with Will, and if the man suddenly decided to leave her, Aria didn’t know how she would cope.


“Is there something on your mind, baby? You look distracted.” Will asked her, as Aria flinched for being so obvious.

They were on the sofa, snuggled beneath the blankets, as they spent their time cuddling and talking. Aria had tried to participate in the conversation but the thought of what she was preparing to do lay heavy on her mind, preventing her from thinking about anything else.

Aria looked up into those beautiful green eyes that she had come to love so much and sighed. It was now or never because if she bailed, she wasn’t sure if she’ll ever pick up the courage to try again.

“I wanted to talk to you about something.” she said quietly, her eyes traveling from the man to the dancing ambers in the fireplace.

“What about? Is everything okay?” Will asked as he scooted closer to her, his arm wrapping around Aria’s shoulders and pulling her into his chest.

“Everything is fine. I just feel the need to tell you something, because if we are going to do this…”, Aria said while waving her hand between the two of them, “then you have the right to know. But I am scared.” she finished and let out a frustrated sigh. Will nodded slowly in understanding and took her hand in his.

“You can tell me anything baby. I am here for you and I will never judge you or think badly about you. Remember that.”

Aria puffed out the breath that she was holding, steeling herself and then began.

“I had just turned 18 when I met him; David. We met when he came in for a cup of coffee at the cafe I worked at half-time. I’ll be honest with you; I thought that he was the most beautiful man I had ever seen. I remember him flirting with me at the time and me blushing like a stupid fool, and so when he asked me out, I immediately agreed without a second thought. And why wouldn’t I? He was older and handsome and everything I thought I wanted.” Aria paused and swallowed a few times, her stomach already in tight knots, before continuing.

“We began dating and he was the sweetest and most loving man, he would shower me with gifts, take me on trips and just be there when I needed him...” she paused once again as her voice broke before she could continue, while tears started running down her face. Will wiped them off but remained silent and patiently waited for Aria to go on.

“…Then, after about a year, he asked me to move in with him. I, of course, agreed, since his house was better than the University dorm I was staying in at the time, and because I wanted to since I was in love with him. At first, everything was great but then David started acting strange. He would check up on me all the time or act jealous when I wanted to spend time with my friends and family. After a while he started beating me, calling me names and threatening to kill me if I said anything to anyone or tried to leave. He eventually made me cut all ties with my family and drop out of college, which effectively put a stop on my dream of becoming a doctor.”

Aria stopped talking for a second, needing to prepare for what she was going to say next, since all that she had already said, was nothing to what was coming.

“And then the hell began. David started bringing his ‘friends’ over. In the beginning, they would just insult me and such, but then one day one of them assaulted me while David just sat there and laughed ignoring my pleas for him to help me. After that, they all did the same. Every day they would come to the house and use me as they pleased, beat me and c…cut me...” Aria stuttered, beginning to shake as sobs escaped her mouth.

She hated remembering that part of her life, let alone talking about it. The only other person she had told everything was Meg, and not even Nura knew the gruesome details, just the general story.

Will was still holding her hand in a tight grip, his hand shaking slightly, but Aria refused to look at him.

“I tried to fight back at first, I swear, but I was too weak by that point and almost starved, and the punishments for disobeying David’s orders were bad; the word on my chest being one of them and the death of my friend from school, after she tried to help me escape, the other.

So, in the end, I guess I just gave up and learned to live with the pain as one day bled into another and by the time I realized it, I had been there for two years. But then one day it all changed when David tried to kill me. He said that I was no longer good enough, that I was getting old and that he needed to find someone new and ‘fresh’ as he put it.

He dragged me into the nearby woods, stabbed me two times and left me there to bleed to death. I guess he thought that I had died but he was wrong. I had somehow managed to drag myself out of the woods and to the highway nearby where I fainted on the side of the road.

The next thing I knew I was waking up in the hospital one town over, after being in a coma for three days. After I healed enough, I sneaked out of the hospital and got out of town, ending up in New York where I lived on the streets, as you already know. I met Meg five months later.”

The first

Will sat in complete silence while Aria spoke in a monotone voice as if trying to detach herself from all the horrible things that had happened to her. His mind whirled as a scene after a gruesome scene flashed through his mind and he didn’t know what to say or even what to think after hearing all that had happened to Aria.

The one thing he did know was that if he ever came face to face with that monster David, Will would kill him without hesitation.
