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That man had turned Aria into a toy for his amusement, tortured her and raped her for two whole years; he deserved to suffer.

Will looked at the girl after she had stopped talking and saw that she was now silently crying while staring into the fire.

“Aria?” he said and knew that Aria had heard him, but she didn’t react and just kept staring unseeingly.

“Do you regret being with me, now that you know what a disgusting whore I was?” Aria suddenly asked him, the absurd question leaving him shocked and outraged as he stared at her while trying to figure out if the girl was joking.

“Don’t!” he unwillingly roared, making Aria flinch and drew into herself. Will closed his eyes and took a big breath, trying to calm down since the last thing Aria needed at that moment was to have Will yell at her. He moved closer to her, took her into his arms and only then noticing that she was shivering.

“Don’t you ever talk about yourself like that. What they did to you was not your fault. Your only mistake was loving and trusting someone that did not deserve you. You were young and naive and he knew that and took advantage of it.” Will whispered in Aria’s ear while caressing her cheek as he tried to make her realize that it was never her fault.

Aria was still crying, her blue eyes looking haunted and incredibly sad, and Will hated it. Aria was the sweetest person that he had ever met who deserved all the happiness in this world, and he decided that he was going to make sure to give it to her no matter what.

“And I could never feel disgusted by you. I told you already, you are perfect in my eyes, baby.”

Aria hugged him after that and hid her head in the crook of Will’s neck. Not long after she was asleep, probably exhausted by everything, so Will picked her up and put her to bed, wanting her to be more comfortable. Aria didn’t even stir when he hugged her from behind and threw the covers over the both of them.

“Goodnight, baby. I love you.” he whispered to the sleeping body next to him, the words of love falling from his lips effortlessly as his eyes closed

slowly, and he smiled as the fear he expected to feel for letting himself be vulnerable after so long, never made an appearance.


He woke up the next morning before Aria and snuck out of the room quietly since he wanted to make her breakfast in bed and give her a gift he had had specially made for her, in an effort to cheer her up.

After frying some eggs and bacon and making fresh orange juice he went back to the bedroom to find Aria sprawled across the bed with her mouth slightly open, as little snores escaped it. Will shook his head and smiled, thinking how adorable the girl looked.

“Baby, wake up.”

“Mmm…” Aria made a cute, little sound and opened her eyes slowly, looking completely confused for a second, before her eyes widened and she blushed and sat up.

“Good morning.”

“I hope you are hungry because I made breakfast.”

“I am. Thank you, Will.” she smiled a little and kissed Will’s cheek in thanks before they tucked in.

Aria was definitely not kidding when she had said that she was hungry, Will thought as he watched her eat as a man starved. He chuckled, pleased that the talk from the previous night hadn’t killed her appetite.

He cleared his throat after a few minutes, which made Aria look up, her cheeks full of food, making her look like a chipmunk and Will laughed again.

“I have a present for you, baby. I had it made back in New York, and I really hope you’ll like it.”, he said and reached behind his back before pulling out a black, velvet box. Aria looked surprised as she took it from Will’s outstretched hand and carefully opened it, and once she saw what was inside, she let out a loud gasp.

“Is this...?”

“Yes, it’s yours.”

Inside the box was a delicate silver necklace with small, teardrop diamonds at the front of it. Aria looked amazed as she reached with her fingers and touched it softly as if afraid to break it.

“You don’t have to wear it if you don’t like it since I know you’re not really a jewelry kind of girl. I won’t be mad, I promise. I just… I just wanted to give you something that will tell you just how much you mean to me because I am not good with words and all that stuff.”

Aria was quiet for a long time, still looking at the necklace as her fingers gently caressed it and then she looked up with watery eyes and smiled.

“I love it, Will. I love it.” Aria whispered and then climbed up into his lap to kiss him.

The kiss was slow and sweet until Aria started moving slowly in Will’s lap, making him let out a moan. She sucked in a sharp breath at the sound and Will, taking advantage of her parted lips, let his tongue slide into Aria’s mouth.

He then switched their places and pressed her against the bed, making their bodies perfectly aligned. Their tongues brushed in the most tantalizing ways, sending tingles down Will’s body. He swirled his tongue against Aria’s expertly, exploring her mouth and tilting her head to the side as he deepened the kiss further. Will’s hands trailed down Aria’s sides, stopping at her hips to grip them tightly as he pushed her more firmly into the mattress.
