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I don’t let women in. That’s my unwritten rule. Now that I’ve broken it, I don’t know what’s going to happen…



What am I doing? I think as my hands knot up in his hair. What is going on here?

Of course, I rationally know what I’m doing. I’m doing everything that Abbi said that I would and I insisted I wouldn’t. I’m caving to the carnal instinct inside and kissing the man I hate. I hate him, but this feels amazing. It’s an experience I haven’t ever had before but now I think I would want it all the damn time.

“Fucking hell,” Carter moans as his mouth moves off from mine. “What are we doing?”

But he doesn’t stop. In fact, his hands slide further down my body, sending a sprinkling of space dust all the way through me, and his lips slip across to my cheek and over my throat. My heart hammers so hard against my rib cage and I fear it might break free at any given moment. But the hot blood it pumps around my body feels too good to stop. I didn’t realize how damn long it had been since I felt this freaking good.

His rough hands graze over the hips of my skin, lifting my shirt upwards. My head lolls to one side, my eyes fall closed, I become a complete slave to the sensations spreading through my body. This might be wrong, it might cause complications later on, but it’s too phenomenal to stop right now.

I stagger backwards, dragging Carter along with me, and fall back against the desk. My butt hits it hard, there’s a shot of burning pain that hits me hard, but the only reaction I have is grabbing Carter harder. It’s almost as if I’m afraid to let him go because I might lose this wonderful bliss.

A guttural groan flies out of Carter’s mouth as his hands graze my thighs. My pencil skirt hitches up, almost of its own accord as if it knows what I want without me having to command it, and he touches this delicate, hyper sensitive area of mine. He edges ever closer to where I’m pulsing for him and I nearly lose my mind.

“Carter,” I whisper as my late night secret taboo fantasy starts to become real. “Oh, Carter.”

His mouth moves down. Before I know it, the buttons of my shirt are popping open. This is all happening much too quickly, I wasn’t expecting things to speed along this fast, yet it isn’t happening quick enough too. I want him, all of him, before I give myself a second to change my mind. I’m scared that logic will stop me.

To try and stop that from happening, I hop back on to the desk, my legs spreading to automatically roll my skirt up further. The next time Carter presses against me, his bulge is up against my soaking wet, desperate core, shutting any thoughts of this being the wrong thing to do out completely.

“You are so beautiful,” he breathes against me, his breath skating over my skin. “So sexy.”

His words ignite a fire. Flames lick up and down me, settling in the pit of my stomach. I moan and roll my hips towards him, trying to let him know just what I want without having to say it aloud.

Carter fixes his eyes on me and he slowly moves down my body. He pauses to kiss my nipples through the lacy material of my bra although this garment is in the way, I can still feel everything intensely. His teeth, his tongue, his lips… Carter might not know how to speak to women, but he can do other things with his mouth really well! In fact, I’d rather him not say anything at all and just do this to me all the time!

He falls to his knees. The thud sounds loud because it echoes through the very empty building which just reminds me that this is the place we work in. It’s weird, it’s definitely not right, but it’s happening.

Carter presses his lips against my panties and he moans. The vibration is too much, it sets my clit on fire, I want him even more now. And if I don’t have him in a moment, I think I will die.

“I need you,” I gasp out, desperation making me far more forward than I normally would be.

“Need me to do what?” he asks, still humming against my slit.

“I need you to… to…” I want to say ‘fuck me’ but I can’t quite manage to get that out yet. “Taste me.”

He lifts my butt off the desk and whips my panties away in one fluid movement. I crash back down on the cold wood, gasping as it shocks me. But it doesn’t cool me down, the heat continues to flame.

He kisses slowly up my legs and gets ever closer to where I desperately need him. I arch my back, trying to roll onto his tongue, but he firmly grips on to me, keeping me in place. He has total control over me and I kinda love it. It makes me feel sweet and feminine, like putty in his hands.

“Oh wow.” I lean my head back and wait. His tongue darts out and flicks along my length. “Carter, that’s…”

His tongue rolls over my clit then trails downwards. He plunges it into me, and massages my insides, then he takes it back to my clit again. It’s a circle of pleasure and I absolutely love it. I haven’t ever had anything like this before and it’s intense. It’s powerful and overwhelming. I’m being dragged under the waters of pleasure. I grab his hair, tugging harder and harder as it feels amazing. I’m absolutely buzzing all over.

“Fucking hell, Carter, this is… holy shit!” I can barely get the words out through the gasping breaths. My lungs feel ragged and desperate, like they can’t get enough air in. My head is spinning with dizziness.

He grips on to my butt as he senses me tensing, the pleasure getting too much for me. I want to move away to regain just a little bit of control over myself, but I can’t. Carter has me claimed.

Just as I’m about to tip over the edge, Carter yanks his tongue away, leaving me cold and exposed. I whimper, needing him back, but he’s out of reach. I can’t get him however hard I try.

“No, what are you doing to me?” I whimper. “Carter, you’re killing me.”

He peels his shirt off his sticky body, smiling at me the entire time. I’m more used to him frowning, so this brand new expression is utterly intoxicating. I want to snap a picture of it, to keep it by my side forever, to recall what it’s like when he’s giving me the usual glare. But we all know what happens when I have a picture of him…
