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He finally gets back within reach and my eager fingers grab the zipper on his trousers. It isn’t easy for me to pull him free because I’m absolutely shaking all over, but I just about manage it. His cock hits my palm and makes me gasp desperately. It’s massive. Absolutely huge, bigger than anyone I have had before. I don’t know if I’m going to be able to handle him but I’m very excited to find out.

I stroke him gently, watching his face crumble as I do. It’s crazy for such a powerful man to fall apart so easily, but I absolutely love it. I want to see this side of him more often.

Carter finally grabs my hands and he plants them on the desk beside me. My fingers curl around the edge of the desk and I squeeze so tightly my knuckles are probably going white.

Then he grabs a condom out of his pocket, which does leave me wondering if he has one on him at all times, and he rolls it down over himself. I watch him, my eyes almost bugging out of my head as I see the size of him. I knew that he was big, I felt that, but seeing him is something else. It’s hot as hell.

By the time he gets closer to me, my heart is in my mouth, I’m freaking panting for him. He angles himself, pressing against my core. I can feel him looking at me, asking for permission, and I am really happy to give it to him. I edge myself almost off the edge of the desk and wrap my legs around him.

Before I drag him into me, and before he plunges deep, Carter rests his forehead against mine and he stares into my eyes.

I can see the deep desire, the passion there, but there is something else as well. Something I don’t quite understand yet, and I’m not sure that he does either.

Then he connects our bodies. He slams into me, creating an echo through the room even louder than before. I cry out, tossing my head back, and I allow his mouth to connect with my throat. He kisses and sucks, licking and flickering his tongue everywhere. Each thrust is more intense than the last and my head is spinning. I cling to him tightly, holding him, loving the feel of his body against mine.

It’s just because I’m lonely, I tell myself as the pressure builds. It isn’t because I like him fully.

Before any other thoughts can enter my mind, I tense up and tip violently over the edge. The waves hit me hard, like a tsunami, and they shatter through my body, leaving me a crumbling mess. Carter clings to me, crying out just as loudly as I am, and we lose it together hard and fast. We’re bonding in a way that we haven’t before, and it feels wonderful. I don’t ever want to let him go…

But as the waves of bliss subside and the heady lust fades away, leaving just Carter and me behind, the shells of what we were just a moment ago, the heat subsides and we’re stuck with a strange cold settling over us. Without the heat of the moment in the way, reality is creeping back in, and it isn’t the most pleasant feeling.

“Er, so yeah…” Carter steps back and yanks his trousers up rapidly. “We should probably…”

Shit, he’s awkward, he’s uncomfortable. This is bad. He doesn’t want to be around me anymore which probably means that he has an instant regret. My brain hasn’t fully switched on yet so I don’t know how I feel, but looking at his face, it isn’t good. I need to get out of here quickly.

I leap off the desk and shove my skirt back down, buttoning my shirt up so rapidly that it isn’t right, but I don’t care as long as I’m covered up. I grab my panties, too embarrassed to put them back on, so I ball them up into my hands and stuff them in my bag. I can’t help it, tears are balling up in my eyes, and if I’m not careful then I will lose it. I cannot fall apart like that in front of Carter. He will know that I’m weak and never respect me again.

If he can respect me after that. Doubtful. I barely respect myself.

“I have to…” I stammer awkwardly. “I need to go. I’ve got to… to leave.”

I think I might be able to hear him calling after me, but I block his words out as I run. If I don’t get out of here now, I don’t know what I will do. And not just here, but this area. I don’t want to be anywhere near the place where I made this mistake. I need a break from all of it to remember who the hell I am.

You fool, I curse myself as I race off. You absolute fool. What a way to ruin everything.



I tap my pen against the table, putting on my thoughtful face, but it’s pointless. I can barely focus at all. My mind is all over the place, thinking about the one person who should be at this meeting, but isn’t.

“What do you think, boss?” Gary asks me forcefully, dragging me back to the present moment.

“About what?” I shoot back without thinking. I really should have tried to act like I was listening.

“The new structure. The one proposed by Raelyn so we can implement the new plan.”

“She’s restructuring now?” I reply nastily. “Are we letting her take over everything?”

“Well… that’s the right way to make it work. If we want to do the things you agreed to.”

I roll my eyes and snort. “Yeah sure, I agreed to it, when I thought that it was going to be carried out properly.”

“What… what do you mean by that?”

I wave my arms around the table, pointing to the people who have actually bothered to turn up. “Where is she? Hmm? The expert behind this plan. She created it then fucked off. That’s real professional, isn’t it?”

That isn’t why I’m mad, but none of these guys know that. They don’t know that Raelyn and I caved to the deep sexual tension between us, giving in for one glorious, blissful moment of heaven, before she ran away and hasn’t been seen since. How am I supposed to not take that as a personal attack?
