Page 12 of Keep Me Going

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“Do you make commercials with Mommy?” Lindsay asked as I chuckled.

“I do.” It sounded good enough for the four-year-old and I asked her what her favorite part of the park was. It seemed like no time at all that I was pushing her in a swing as she told me all about her life. She was enthusiastic and talked a lot as Soledad rolled her eyes at me playfully. We watched her run up the steps to the big structure with slides and poles, joining a few other kids as I stroked Soledad’s lower back. “She’s great.”

“I know. She’s the light of my life.” Soledad

looked at her for a long moment before gazing at me. “I think she likes you. More than that, I think she thinks you’re handsome. I know that smile too well.”

“Too bad. I already have my eyes on this hot woman, so I might have to break her heart. Think she’ll survive?” I joked as she laughed softly. I slid my finger up her spine, watching her shiver as she licked her lips. I thought ahead to tonight where there was a chance I’d be in her bed with her, worshiping that gorgeous body.

“I’m certain of it.” I was pleased when Lindsay told me that she loved burgers and agreed to go to lunch with me. I drove us in Soledad’s car since it had a seat for Lindsay, smiling over at her as we headed into the city. I knew a great place on the water that served amazing food. Lindsay was still talking in the back and I listened as I stroked Soledad’s thigh gently. “Where are you taking us?”

“A new place. I need to impress you girls.” I grinned as I turned and pulled into a small parking lot. Soledad looked at the tiny restaurant before she hopped out and caught Lindsay in her arms. I led the way as she carried her in to read the menu, their faces close as they talked. Soledad was an amazing mom. That much was obvious. We placed our orders and took a seat by the window where Lindsay could see the lake. While she was eager and enthusiastic to talk, she was also well-behaved. She sat on the seat or her mom’s lap and when the food came, ate calmly. I watched her with some awe. I’d never dated a woman with children at all. It never crossed my mind. It probably made me run screaming before now but there was something about their relationship that held my attention.

We left the restaurant and walked over to the wall overlooking the water. It was a deep blue and I considered taking the ferry just for the ride as I smiled down at Lindsay. I thought about a lot of things we could do together as I felt someone brush my hand. I looked over to see Soledad smiling at me with a hungry look in her eyes. I felt the same way and touched my fingers against hers as she licked her lips slowly.

I wondered how hard it would be to have her with a kid. She had to sleep sometimes. I glanced at Lindsay and realized that sex wasn’t the priority with Soledad, not anymore. I wanted the entire package.

We headed back to the apartment when Lindsay started looking tired. Soledad told me that she didn’t always take naps but got up especially early today. I walked inside, looking around the familiar room as Soledad walked Lindsay back to her room. She told me to make myself comfortable as she smiled back at me, and I sat on the couch. She’d added her own touch over the last few weeks, with family pictures scattered about and what looked to be things from vacations. It gave the already clean room personality and added some color. They looked happy here.

“She’s probably out for a couple of hours. I don’t know how I’ll feel about that later tonight, but she’s worn out.” Soledad smiled as she entered the room. “Would you like something to drink? The fridge is full, thanks to Rosie.”

“Water sounds great. Where is she today?” I asked as she carried two bottles of water to the couch, taking a seat.

“With friends. She watched Lindsay for me all week. I need to give her some time off.” Soledad smiled as she tucked her legs underneath her. I’d been admiring them in her skinny jeans all day, wanting to grab that ass and pull her on me. I kept my adult thoughts to myself when we were around Lindsay but now I let them flood my mind.

“All night?” I asked as Soledad gave me a long look.

“Actually, yes. They live a few towns over and came to get her this morning.” Pink washed over her cheeks as I smiled approvingly at her.

“How hard does Lindsay sleep?” I queried as I leaned closer to her, needing to feel her lips on mine. I’d been wanting to kiss her all day but held back with our company.

“Today? Probably hard.” Soledad pressed her mouth to mine, letting out a slow groan as I tilted my head to deepen it. We kissed for a few moments before she pulled away with a soft laugh. “I’ve never done this before.”

“You haven’t been with anyone since she was born?” I asked, stroking her cheek with my thumb.

“No. I was busy trying to be a good mom. I forgot about it.” She admitted as I wondered how many men wanted her over the years. “I’ve been reminded lately.” I kissed her again and within a few minutes we were hurrying to her room. Lindsay’s door was closed, and I closed Soledad’s as well before pulling her against me.

I kissed her hard, pressing her against the wall as I gripped her ass. Soledad groaned and wrapped her legs around me as I felt my cock press into the line of her jeans. I swept her mouth with my tongue as she clung to me, needing to have her naked and wrapped around me. I turned and brought her back to the bed, dropping her down as I told her to take her shirt off. Soledad nibbled her lip and glanced at the locked door before lifting her flowing burgundy shirt over her head and slipping it to the floor. Her bra was black cotton and enhanced her full cups well. I leaned down and reached for the front closure, opening the bra to reveal her hard nipples. “Jesus, Soledad. You make me crazy.” I unbuttoned her jeans as she shuddered below me, sliding them down her legs and tossing them by her shirt.

She watched hungrily as I stripped and dropped a condom down on the mattress. I saw the hesitation in her eyes as she gazed past me at the door and spread her thighs open. “We’ll take this slow. If you want to stop, just tell me.” I crawled over her and lowered my mouth to her damp folds as Soledad hissed. She was soaked for me and I licked her slowly, loving the way she arched her back against me, I moved slowly, listening as she panted through the strokes of my tongue. Soledad was coming on a few moments and I pulled back, staring up at her as she managed to control her voice.

“I should make you stop but I need you inside of me,” she whispered as I looked down at my swollen cock. I reached for the condom, listening carefully before I ripped it open. I sheathed myself and told her to get on her knees softly, watching as she complied. This was easily one of my favorite positions with her since I could get so deep. I also preferred it in this case, so I could shove her face into the pillow and keep her quiet.

I rocked into her slow and hard, feeling her grip my cock. I held onto her hips and pushed harder as I heard her voice against the thick pillow, knowing that she was becoming the complete package for me. I enjoyed fucking her in every way but today had been a different sort of fun for me. Her daughter was sweet and funny, clear about her feelings for people. I wondered how her father could live with not having her in his life. I sure as fuck couldn’t sleep at night with that reality. I let the image of her pregnant again flash through my mind as she tightened around me, coming hard as she moaned into her pillow. I followed, jerking forward as I filled the condom. “Fuck, Soledad. You feel good,” I told her softly as I pulled out and took a deep breath.

While it hadn’t been long, we still cleaned up and dressed. Soledad opened her window to let some fresh air in as I smirked at her, smacking my ass as we made our way to the living room. I knew that being with a woman with a child would strip me of my control and spontaneity with sex, but it didn’t bother me. There was something deliciously taboo about our earlier sex and knew that those stolen moments would be meaningful.

We sipped water as she snuggled against me, watching TV, and kissing intermittently. I enjoyed relaxing and not having to be somewhere, settling into the quiet as I stroked her hair. We both heard the door opening and Soledad looked up to see a small figure approaching us. We moved apart a bit and I watched as Lindsay crawled into her mom’s lap and curled up against her. Soledad smiled at me as she stroked Lindsay’s back, talking softly to her as the girl slowly woke up.

I mentioned seeing a movie once she was fully awake, Soledad smiled at me at the offer and Lindsay’s eyes lit up. We’d eaten lunch, but I asked if some movie snacks would be okay and Soledad nodded with a soft smile as Lindsay ran to her room to put on some clean clothes. According to her mom, Lindsay did this a lot and Soledad loved having a job that could help her support the habit, I learned on the way to the theater that Lindsay loved the Jurassic Park movies and we settled on the newest one. I grabbed popcorn, drinks, and some candy at the snack bar before we found seats in the middle. I grinned at Soledad when Lindsay planted herself between us, surrounded by treats.

We still managed to hold hands behind the seat once the lights dimmed, moving only when Lindsay got too excited about what was happening on the screen. Soledad quieted her down and she’d reach for me again as my heart gave way to my feelings for her.

That was the first night I stayed at her apartment. Lindsay made it clear that she wanted us to be together and Soledad cuddled with me on the couch once we were alone. She asked me if I wanted all of this because she came with a lot of luggage. She wasn’t willing to sacrifice Lindsay for any relationship and her daughter came first. She told me if that wasn’t what I wanted, then I could leave. I answered that by kissing her and we ended up in her bedroom, making love before falling asleep in clothes that we put on in case Lindsay woke up before we did.

Chapter Nine

