Page 18 of Keep Me Going

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“Have you wanted to?” I asked, hoping he knew what I meant.

“I suppose I’ve tried and by that, I’ve seen a woman that piqued my interest more than a few times. I thought that things would continue to increase as I thought they might in the beginning. They never did.” He kissed my swollen lips. “Not until you. It felt different from the moment I laid eyes on you, Sol. I thought Lindsay might steer me away, but she won my heart equally as fast. I want to give you both the world.”

“I love you,” I breathed as I curled up against his chest. I knew that it was only getting later but I didn’t want the night to end. I’d never felt this way, not even for Keith. He was charming and fun in the beginning but changed after the first year. I got pregnant quite by accident and I slowly started to see his rage. I was planning a way to leave when I was three months pregnant, but he beat me to the punch and abandoned us.

I was relieved. I was fucking relieved. How sad was that?

I started my new life by moving in with my mom. I had Lindsay there and we both loved her, along with my stepfather. It was ideal, and I loved my daughter more than anything.

Then the calls started, and my stepfather’s car was vandalized.

I closed my eyes and took in the feeling of this man holding me in his arms. I never had this once I was on my own. Men tried, and they were even sometimes nice, but I was too scared to even try. I was only focused on keeping my daughter safe and moving around to fit that bill. I wasn’t anywhere long enough or even focused enough on anyone to look for love.

I had it now. I listened to Alex’s even breathing and smiled as I took a slow breath of my own. Everything was going to work out.

We woke up together and he made coffee while I showered. Rosie was coming over soon and I rushed in the bathroom, slipping on a wrap dress before I added some makeup. We were going to talk to her tonight and see if she was good with the idea that Alex had. Rosie had a lot of pride and did collect social security though we both knew it wasn’t enough for a nice place. That was why she was in the hotel with me in the first place.

Alex wanted to cover the rest as a form of payment for taking such good care of Lindsay. My daughter was happy with the grandma in her life that was teaching her everything about life. I wanted to spoil Rosie because without her, I’d be lost here. She was the first person to love us here.

I kissed Lindsay goodbye and hugged Rosie as she knowingly smiled at me. Alex told her that he wanted to talk to her later tonight after a firm hug and a reminder to stay in the building. We were lucky to have an indoor pool in this building, offering entertainment despite the gloomy Seattle weather.

We drove in together and I was lost in a fog of happiness and the need for more sleep. I sipped my coffee as I stole glances at Alex, who was listening to the news as he always did. My man liked to keep up on the current news and I smiled as I looked forward.

His hand was still in my thigh as he drove, reminding me that he was always thinking of me.

We entered the office and I held my head high. I was in love with this man and wanted everyone to know it. Gossip be damned. He took this relationship further than any before it and I didn’t want to hide that. I smiled as we made our way to our desks and warmed everything up as I checked him out. He was walking into his office and his ass looked amazing. I knew just how it felt to be holding it as he fucked me.

I settled into my morning routine and checked emails and appointments. I sent a few naughty texts during the process to tease Alex, who demanded I come into his office and lock the door. I had to hold in my scream as he pushed me to his desk and made me come all over his tongue. God, that man knew just what to do.

I had lunch with Millie and she whistled slowly as she took one look at me. “Shit. You’re glowing. Are you having inappropriate relations with your boss during office hours?” She burst into giggles as we walked down the sidewalk to our favorite deli,

“I am officially moving in with my boss. He asked me over the weekend.” I confided as she clapped her hands.

“I have never seen that in him. Not that I know him well, but that man is in love.” She told me as I smiled. “Have you told Lindsay?”

“No but she told him that she loves him last night. She settled into the loft immediately. It was so sweet.” I said as we walked into the deli and up to the counter to order. I always got the pastrami and iced coffee and Millie followed me as she placed her order.

“I am so happy for you. You broke that man. You deserve this.” I’d confided in Millie about what Keith was doing, needing a shoulder. “Have you gotten any calls or anything today?”

“A couple. They were hang ups.” I replied solemnly as I sipped my drink. “I tell Alex about all of it and I know he’s busy in there messaging and whatever he does. He’s working so hard.” I glanced forward and looked at our office through the rare sun in the sky. “I just want to feel safe again.”

We were at the curb waiting to cross and the light signaled for us to cross. I took a step but felt someone grab my arm and yank me back as a car raced by, screeching around the corner as I leaned against a building. “He was going right for you,” Millie told me as she stroked my hair.

What was I saying about feeling safe?

I slipped to the ground and breathed in deeply as I closed my eyes. “What did the car look like?”

“It was black. Just a fucking black blur coming right for you. Give me your phone,” Millie urged me as I handed her my purse. She dug inside, and I tried to calm my racing heart as I imagined myself walking with Lindsay and having that happen. I would die for her in an instant but for Keith to end the life of his own daughter was nearly too much to deal with. My ears were ringing, and I could only make out pieces of the conversation happening around me.

Eventually, the ringing subsided and I came to reality. Millie was sitting with me and there were just a few people staring at me. I learned that nobody had seen the license plate of the car with the excessive speed and that while the police were called, there was little to give them. There was even a chance that it was just a case of reckless driving.

Alex was there during the last half of the questions. He held me close on a bench and his jaw was set as I spoke, feeling like I had nothing to offer. It happened so fast and there were no solid witness accounts. There were no cameras that got any more details they needed. Alex helped me back to the office and his car, stroking my hair as I stared through the glass. He?

??d told me that my day at work was done and I didn’t have the energy to argue. Millie was told to tell everyone I started feeling sick over lunch and nothing more and she nodded solemnly, taking in Alex with wide eyes.

“Baby, I’ll get him for this. I swear to you.” I heard the rage in his voice even as he stroked my hair gently.

“How? There’s no proof just like before. It was just a car driving too fast.” I spoke in sobs, feeling my body shake. “What if I was with Lindsay and that happened?”
