Page 148 of The Perfect Holiday

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Tears sprang to Sara’s green eyes and her chin began to wobble.

“I hate you,” Sara spat. “And don’t ever call me again!” Turning on her heel, she stalked out of the restaurant. I settled back against my chair, half-enjoying the rude stares from all of the other patrons. When Sara’s heels hit the marble foyer floor, she went crashing down in a tangle of limbs. Her tits popped out of her tight dress and my cock sprang into action at the sight of her big, pink nipples and round white tits.

God, I’d love to put my cock between those, I thought as I watched Sara burst into hysterical sobs. The maître d rushed over and grabbed her arm, hauling her up as she fumbled with her dress. The whole restaurant was silent as Sara rushed out into the bright afternoon.

“Nothing to see,” I called loudly, smirking and turning my face around the room. “Just a little too much wine, that’s all!”

The waiter approached and gave me a cautious look. “Sir? Would you like the bill?”

I burst out laughing. “Fuck no.” I said. “I’m starving! Bring me the escargot and veal parmigiana.”

The waiter narrowed his eyes for a brief second and I relished the hatred I saw there.

“Very good, sir,” he said. “I’ll be right back with your escargot.”

So I’m not getting laid tonight, I thought as I took a long drink of beer. But at least I got a free show!

Chapter Four


“God, I’m nervous,” I said to Rebecca, tugging at my shirt to make it sit just right on my shoulders. “I look so bloated today!”

Rebecca shook her head. “You look great,” she said. “I’ve never seen you look prettier, Molly.”

I frowned. “Something’s not right,” I muttered. “I just feel so awkward!”

“Well, you look beautiful,” Rebecca said.

Alex’s taunts flashed through my mind and I shuddered. How could anyone be so repulsive and so attractive at the same time? It not only didn’t make sense – it felt like a cruel joke from the universe.

“I know what you’re thinking,” Rebecca said quietly. “And Molly, don’t. Don’t put yourself through the ringer just because my brother is an asshole.”

I sighed. “Okay,” I said. “I promise I’ll try.”

When the time came for me to leave for class, Rebecca handed me a little pouch with some essentials.

“There’s floss in there, and mints, and some blotting papers in case your face gets too oily,” she said. “And I put in some hairspray, too. It’s windy outside today.”

I hugged her tightly. “You’re the best,” I said. I meant it, too.

Rebecca smiled self-consciously. “I just want to help, that’s all,” she said. “I won’t leave the door open in case you stay out all night!”

I burst out laughing. “I highly doubt that,” I said. “We’re just getting coffee and it’s right on campus. I’ll probably be home an hour or two later than usual.”

Rebecca raised an eyebrow suggestively. “Just have fun,” she said. “That’s the most important part, after all.”

I shrugged. “I just hope I don’t get so nervous that I do something stupid,” I said. “God, I can’t believe this is finally happening!”

“I know,” Rebecca said. “You’d better go, you’ll be late otherwise!”

Grabbing my schoolbag, I slung it over my shoulder and went outside to wait for the bus. I didn’t have to wait long – in just a few minutes, I was bouncing all the way down the highway to my university.

Class dragged on and on. I kept looking at the clock expecting to see that twenty minutes had passed when it hadn’t even been thirty seconds. Still, being excited was a good thing. Is that what I was feeling? Butterflies in my stomach, my heart beating as rapidly as a hummingbird’s?

Am I excited, I wondered as I doodled my name on my notebook. Or am I just nervous? Is that what being excited is supposed to feel like?

Somehow, Alex’s cruel words came rushing back to me at that very moment and I almost passed out. I can’t do this, I thought. Just then, the clock struck four.
