Page 19 of The Perfect Holiday

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“Thank you for breakfast.” She smiled. “Hopefully, it won’t be too long until you stalk me again.”

“I mean, I can have that arranged.” I chuckled. “When will I see you again?”

“I’ll come find you for a private ski lesson.” She smirked. “I want to see if you are as good of a skier as you say you are.”

With that, she climbed into the elevator, and I stood there smiling at her until the doors had closed. I was definitely on cloud nine.

Chapter 14


I had to admit, breakfast with Cameron was definitely unexpected, but not at all unwanted. After the dream I had the night before, I was terrified that I would get all clammed up seeing him, but with his adorable shyness kicking in, I felt compelled to be sarcastic and assertive. It actually worked out pretty well, and I got to spend my morning with a handsome guy, eating delicious food in the restaurant. I really didn’t want the date to be over, but I knew that I needed to end it and remind myself that I was only here for a limited time, and that getting too attached most definitely would be a bad thing. So, I said goodbye, meaning it when I told him I would come find him for a private ski lesson, and headed back up to the room.

When I got upstairs, I found a note from Hailey, telling me to meet her in the lounge when I got back so we could go out into town and do some shopping. I swore that girl had a serious shopping habit, but I didn’t mind at all because if I had that kind of money, I would have a shopping habit, too. I took off my tennis shoes, pulled on my black leather boots, and grabbed my jacket and scarf on the way out the door.

Just like she said she would be, Hailey was sitting at the bar, drinking a mimosa and chatting up the cute guy behind the bar. I shook my head and laughed as I approached, finding Hailey to be so fun and outgoing, something I wished I could be all the time. I stood next to her and smiled as she gulped down her drink and winked at the bartender.

“You ready?” I asked.

“Sure am,” she said.

“You have a shopping problem,” I replied. “I love it.”

“Ha! I love it, too.” She laughed as we walked through the building. “So, I saw you with Cameron this morning in the restaurant.”

“Why didn’t you come say hi?”

“You guys looked so involved in conversation, I didn’t want to break it up,” she said, smiling as we climbed into a cab.

First, we went to the coffee shop in town and got some coffee, something I was starting to feel like I needed after the long night that I had. Then, we went from store to store, perusing the shelves and giggling every time we saw a celebrity walk by. This place was definitely a celebrity haven. That was for sure.

“So, I heard you mumbling loudly in your sleep last night,” she said. “Did you have a bad dream?”

“Yeah,” I said quickly. “I don’t remember it, though. I just woke up in a cold sweat. It was very strange.”

“Don’t you hate that?”

“Yeah,” I said, chuckling nervously. “Really sucks. So, what are we shopping for today?”

“I don’t know,” she sighed. “Some new clothes and maybe some gifts to send back to my parents so they aren’t too pissed at me.”

“I’m sorry,” I said. “I was the needy friend.”

“Don’t apologize. You saved me from their yearly wrath.” She laughed. “I did not want to go over there at all. So, what happened this morning? Did he knock on the door?”

“No.” I giggled. “It was actually kind of funny. I walked out in the hall to see if there was a paper to read, and when I opened the door, I almost knocked him over. He gave some excuse about bringing a bagel up to the room next to ours. The thing was, I had been up before the sun, and I knew that the people had left, so I called him out. Just at that moment, the maid walked out of that room, and he gave in and told the truth.”

“Which was?”

“He had been waiting there all morning, waiting for me to open the door.” I laughed. “He was going to do that whole act, just as an excuse to ask me out to breakfast. At first, I was going to put him off again, but he, like, opened up to me and told me how nervous I made him and how much he wanted to take me to breakfast. I mean, how could I refuse?”

“That is really sweet.” She smiled. “What did you guys talk about?”

“Pretty much everything,” I replied. “He is a lot sweeter than I thought he was going to be. It isn’t often that you find a hot guy that is also charming and open like that. It was really refreshing. I actually really enjoyed eating with him.”

“That’s nice,” she said, being standoffish.

“Okay,” I said, standing in front of her. “What’s up?”
