Page 273 of The Perfect Holiday

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“Hannah,” Thomas said coldly.

“What?” Hannah batted her lashes. I felt sick to my stomach as she walked over to Thomas and stroked her hand down the center of his chest.

“Why the fuck would you do something like this,” Thomas growled.

“For you, baby,” Hannah said. She licked her lips. “I thought that as soon as June was out of the picture, I could have you once and for all.”

“So you could destroy my company?”

“What?” Hannah narrowed her eyes. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Cut the innocent bullshit,” Thomas said. “I know what you’ve been doing.”

“Thomas, I’d never—“

“Shut up, Hannah,” Thomas said. “Or should I say, Megan?”

Hannah looked startled. For once, she opened and closed her lips with nothing to say.

Just as Thomas was about to speak again, uniformed men darted into the room.

“New York City Police!” One of them shouted. “Everybody freeze!”

I couldn’t take it any longer. I passed out.

Chapter Eighteen


After the cops showed up, it was all a blur. June was taken to a nearby hospital where she was checked for injuries…thankfully, it turned out to be nothing more serious than a few bruises and lacerations. Hannah had given her wine laced with a power sedative, but June was able to sleep it off.

Hannah and Andy were both apprehended by the police and taken downtown, where they were thrown in jail. Despite feeling exhausted, I knew that I wouldn’t be able to sleep. So I went to a bar downtown and drank most of the night, then slept it off. Now I was on my way to pick up June from the hospital and take her home.

I couldn’t believe it, but I was actually nervous at the thought of seeing June again. Obviously, I had some major explaining – and apologizing – to do. I swallowed a lump in my throat and pulled up to the hospital carport.

June was waiting outside with a nurse. She looked pale and tired, but otherwise just as beautiful as ever. She was still wearing her dress from the night before. As she climbed into the passenger seat of my car, I noticed she was avoiding my gaze.

After a few torturous moments of silence, I couldn’t take it anymore.

“June, please, talk to me.” I said as I pulled away from the hospital.

June’s shoulders slumped. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

“For what?” I narrowed my eyes and reached a hand into her lap. June stiffened at my touch.

“You hate me now,” June said flatly. “And I don’t know what I did, but I’m really sorry, Thomas.”

I sighed heavily. “I don’t hate you at all,” I said. “I…I love you, June.”

That got her attention. June’s head snapped up. She pushed her black hair over one shoulder.


“I said, I love you,” I repeated. “I really do, June. I love you so much.”

A tear rolled down June’s cheek. “Then…why did you act like that last night?” She asked softly. “Why did you treat me like that, Thomas?”

I sighed. “There won’t be an excuse good enough to justify how horribly I treated you,” I said. “And I can assure you that it had absolutely nothing to do with you, June. You’re perfect, just the way you are.”
