Page 283 of The Perfect Holiday

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I wrinkled my nose. “I’m sorry,” I said. “I don’t think it’s still there for me.”

Thomas nodded. He leaned close and kissed me. “That’s okay, babe,” he said. “I promise – later tonight, you’re going to be begging for my cock.”

I blushed hotly as Thomas’s stubble brushed against my face. “I know,” I said softly. “I can’t wait.”

Thomas groaned and stretched, climbing out of bed and pulling on a pair of black boxer shorts. “What time is it?” He narrowed his eyes and picked up his reading glasses from the side of the bed.

“You’re an old man,” I teased.

“Watch it,” Thomas growled. He winked at me and we burst out laughing. “I feel better than ever.”

I giggled. “I should hope so,” I added. “Considering you’re about to become Daddy Number Two.”

Thomas glanced with fondness at my growing belly.

“Pregnancy is so weird,” I complained. “One minute all I can think about is sex.”

“And the next?”

“Food,” I moaned, burying my face in my hands. “I’m getting so big! I’m a heifer, Thomas. I can’t even zip my jeans.”

“I like you this way,” Thomas chuckled. “You’re curvy.”

I glared at him. “I miss sushi,” I said dreamily, climbing out of bed and pulling on a loose cotton dress. It was one of the only things I had that still fit me. “And soft cheese. And wine,” I added.

Thomas smirked. “As soon the baby’s born, we’re going out to Daniel,” Thomas said.

I laughed. “Sounds good, Daddy,” I said, batting my lashes.

“Are you excited about today?”

My stomach rumbled with anxiety. “I am,” I confessed. “But I’m a little nervous, too.”

“Don’t be,” Thomas said. He buttoned up his shirt and ran a brush through his thick, silvery hair.

“I just don’t want things to change,” I said softly. “What if having a new baby comes between us?”

Thomas sighed. He walked over to me and put his hands on my shoulders, looking into my eyes and kissing me deeply.

“June, nothing could tear me away from you,” he said. “Things are going to be different. At first, they’ll be strained. But I swear, our love is forever. And after the baby gets a little older, things will get back to normal.”

I nodded. “I have to admit that I feel a little better, knowing you’ve done this before.”

Thomas laughed. “I bet,” he said. “Come on, we should get going. Your appointment is at eleven-thirty, wouldn’t want to piss off the ultrasound tech.”

I nodded. “I’m good,” I said. “I’m ready now.”

Half an hour later, I was lying on an uncomfortable bed, propped up with my belly exposed. Even though I hadn’t gained more than the doctor said I should, I still felt huge and gawky, especially

when I was naked.

Marie, the smiling ultrasound tech, rubbed a cold gel all over my belly.

“And how are we today?” Marie cooed, more to my stomach than to me.

Thomas and I exchanged glances.

“Doing well,” Thomas said. “And you?”
