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I finished my glass of wine and went into the other room where I changed my clothes and pulled my hair back in a ponytail. The weather was cold, but the snow wasn’t falling for the time being, so I wrapped a scarf and heavy wool coat around me, and Hailey and I made for the car. She was driving her four-wheel drive that day, and I hadn’t dug my car out from the garage in a month, so she drove us out into town. First, we stopped for dinner, eating at one of my favorite places, Angelo’s. I used to eat there all the time, not really enjoying cooking for one, and using it as an excuse to get out of the house. Since Grant only ate at upscale restaurants, I hadn’t been there in years. Just the familiarity of it all felt good in my chest, and I started to remember how behind the girl looking for love, there was someone completely content with doing her own thing.

“So, I was at work today,” Hailey said, munching on a breadstick. “And I told my coworker, Brian—you remember Brian from the office party last year?”

“Was he the one with the thinning red hair and complete inability to hold his tongue when it came to socially appropriate comments?”

“You mean, was he the one that told you he wanted to grab onto your ass? Yeah, that’s him.” She laughed. “Anyway, I told him I thought you were going to say Grant and you were done, and then, oh my God, let the vultures descend. He immediately begged me to set you two up. I told him no. He was still on the hook for the Christmas Party. He moped all day, trying to make me feel guilty, but instead, I felt creeped out.”

“Gross.” I chuckled. “Thank you for the backup.”

“No problem. It’s my job.” She laughed.

“Ugh, Christmas music,” I said, listening to the loud speaker over the restaurant.

“What, you love Christmas,” Hailey said with shock. “You are like the female Santa Claus. I’m pretty sure you would just keep a tree decorated in your house all year if it wouldn’t make you look like the creepy woman in the dead of summer.”

“I know,” I replied. “I just am not looking forward to spending it all alone. That’s all.”

“Hey, you don’t have to be alone,” Hailey replied. “I already canceled going to my parents’ house.”


“Uh, yeah,” she scoffed. “I’d choose you any day over their questions on my single status and my mother’s weepy toast about the future. You know, the one she gives at every holiday?”

“That thing needs a serious revamp.” I chuckled. “She’s the only one that gets choked up over it anymore.”

“Yeah,” Hailey said, laughing. “My father just sits there, falling asleep with his champagne in the air.”

“Well, that’s awesome,” I said, smiling. “I’ll cook dinner, get some alcohol, and we will make the best of it!”

“I was actually thinking something else,” she said. “I was thinking that I take you somewhere for Christmas. Make a new tradition, get out of that house that makes you think of Grant, and let loose.”

“Okay,” I replied. “I’m intrigued. Go on.”

“Let’s go to Aspen,” she replied. “I have a friend that has a reservation at the St. Regis that can’t go, and I told him to hold off on canceling. I may just take his reservation. We can ski, drink alcohol, and open presents in the suite he reserved. It comes fully stocked with a Christmas tree in every room.”

“I love it,” I replied. “I need change, and that is definitely a change.”

I felt lucky to have a friend like Hailey. We had been friends pretty much our entire lives, and though we were two completely different people, we really did work perfectly together. One was always strong when the other was weak, and we never let each other get weepy and depressed. She was a light in the dark for me most of the time, and always told it to me just how it needed to be said. Most people would shy away from that, especially when they just wanted to be self-loathing, but in the end, it really was the best thing for me. As much as I loved my career and my little house, those walls could start closing in on me fast. She always pulled me out before they collapsed. This time, it was most appreciated, and I was getting excited about the thought of vacationing in a winter wonderland like Aspen. I had always wanted to go, but never actually had anyone to go with.

“There will be a lot of single, rich men there, too,” Hailey said through a full mouth of salad. “I’m totally ready to hook me an old rich man.”

“You, my friend, are disgusting.” I laughed.

“What? Am I not a catch?” She smiled big, ranch dressing on her lips and spinach in her teeth.

“I mean, I think it’s sexy.” I giggled. “The last thing I need is some man that thinks he can turn me into his arm candy.”

“No, no, you are looking at it all wrong,” she said. “You turn one of those men into your arm candy. You are successful and gorgeous, even in your striped pajamas and wool socks. Any man would be more than lucky to have you as you are.”

“Well, the last thing I want to think about on my Christmas vacation, after breaking up with my boyfriend, is other men,” I scoffed.

“First of all, he broke up with you, let’s keep the facts straight,” she pointed out. “And there is one stipulation for us going on this trip.”

“Okay, now that you have pointed out the painful and obvious,” I replied. “What is this stipulation?”

“You get over Grant by sleeping with another man,” she said. “Something unexpected and wild. That is exactly what you need.”

“If it gets me a vacation in Aspen, they better line up.” I laughed.
