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Wow, Noah from the gym. Owner of the gym actually. He is something else. He reminds me that life can have excitement if I look for it. After everything that I’ve been through I think I need an injection of excitement. Not the marathon, something real. An exciting new job offer, a fun, fling, a nice holiday... just something.

Actually, right now out of the three I’d like the fling. I want my body brought back to life again. It’s been dormant for far too long, on lock down. I want it back. Noah gave me butterflies, he stirred my organs, gave me a sneak peek… if only I could get more from him.

But a gorgeous man like that wouldn’t be interested in someone like me. Not really. I’m a nobody. There isn’t anything special about me. I suppose it’s nice to think about though.

“Are you okay, Mia?” my colleague, Vicki, asks. “You seem all day dreamy?”

“Yeah, I’m okay.” I shake my head and bring myself into the present moment. “Just one of those days where I’d rather be anywhere else in the world but here.”

“I have that every day. Thank goodness I’m moving soon and I can get away. Do you want to grab a drink?”

The word ‘yes’ rolls on the tip of my tongue. Usually I love the after work drinks, it’s a good way to chill out after a long and shitty day, which today has definitely been, but there’s somewhere else I need to be tonight.

“Actually, I’m marathon training,” I tell her with a grin. “And I don’t have long to get in shape so I need to hit the gym.”

“Wow, that’s impressive. I’ve always wanted to run a marathon. Are you fundraising?”

“Yes, for a Cancer charity.”

“Oh, right, because of your mom. Well, since I’m nowhere near ready to run a marathon, I’ll sponsor yours.”

“Thank you very much. I’ll bring in all the sponsorship stuff soon.”

I actually feel kinda proud as she walks off. That took some strength from me then, but it’s all for a good cause. I really should lay off everything that’s bad for me if I want to succeed in this run, and I wouldn’t mind going to the gym again to see if Noah is there. Even if it’s just to add to the fantasy.

I grab out my cell phone and call Kayleigh.

“Hey, girl, how are you? I have just had the worst day at the salon. Honestly, the things these rich people think it’s okay to ask you to do is ridiculous. I want to quit some days.”

“Yeah, I bet.” I know she won’t, she loves her job really. “You up to much?”

“Nah, not really. How are you doing?”

“I’m good thanks, Kayleigh, just wondered if you wanted to work out? I had a bit of a shitty day at work too, which I will tell you about when I see you… if I see you.”

There’s a little pause while she drinks in this question. Clearly, she wasn’t expecting it from me.

I suppose I wasn’t exactly enthusiastic when she suggested the marathon. I try not to get sucked in to why that’s changed.

“Oh wow, you really are getting into the swing of this. It’s nice to see you so passionate.”

“Well, you were right. It is time to purge the past. I even got some new running gear.”

Admittedly, I had Noah in mind when I purchased it, but only in a fantasy, wouldn’t it be cool if he fancied me, kind of way, not in a creepy obsessed way.

“Now that I want to see. I can do an hour in the gym tonight?”

An hour won’t be long enough for me, but as long as Kayleigh is there in the start that’s all I need.

“An hour is awesome; shall we head over now?”

“I just need to pop home and grab my stuff, but I’ll probably still beat you there.”

I’ll make sure she does. “Fab, see you in a bit then.”

All of a sudden, the bad day doesn’t feel quite so terrible after all. Even the guy who was pressuring me for information about my life this morning doesn’t weigh so heavily on me. None of that really matters when I can go and sweat out al my annoyance in the gym… while ogling over someone sexy as hell.

I have that weird out of control sensation like when I had crushes back in school. I know I can’t do anything about how the other person feels but I just want to swim in the anticipation for a while. I’m pretty certain my bubble will burst, but I’m okay to just go along for the ride for a while.
