Page 41 of The Perfect Gift

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Luke make himself known by entering inside. For some reason, I find the strength to look at him.

His polo dress is unbuttoned and his hair in disarray yet somehow, he makes it look so elegant still.

Behind him, Von mouth, “I’ll go ahead” not waiting for me or noticing the desperation in my eyes. The last thing I want is to be stuck with Luke.

Resuming with my packing, I try to ignore him as much as I can, but it’s pretty damn hard job when his presence lingers around me like a viper.

"I review the paper works. You did a good job."

I can't help the scoffing; nevertheless, I never miss a beat. "You change your mind because you realize that I might be valuable to your company." The sound of my voice is brittle. I don't bother trying to hide the bitterness in my clip tone. He makes it clear earlier that he's above than anyone else and that we're supposed to bow down to whatever he says.

I notice how his body stiffens, his face hardening to a stony mask. Those heated blue eyes are turning cold and distant. I feel him retract back emotionally just like I feel the warmth leave my body.

Still standing in the shadow, he places his hands on his pocket acting all business. "I got the message a little too late. The one who recruit you here is one of my agent. She informs me about your background back in college and your achievements."

The middle age woman flashback in my mind. She certainly looks like one of the employees here with her elegant taste of clothing and the way she holds herself screams regal. I never doubt that she's a scam trying to use me for whatever grand scheme they have.

I don't realize that I slip into my thoughts if not for his voice cutting through the haze that is my mind.

"You're right. I did realize that you're valuable for the company and as a businessperson, I can't let assets like you slip out of my hand. You're too important to be on anyone's hand but mine."

I try to ignore his last choice of words and instead focus on what he just says.

While I do have experience here and there, I don't think I'm as valuable as he makes it seems. I have a lot to prove to confidently say that I'm a big set0up of a company especially when I'm just starting. It takes more than the paper works I've done earlier or the achievements I manage to gather during college.

But before I can contemplate about it further, he says something that is hard for me to turn down so easily without a deep consideration first.

"I'll pay half a million for your agreement, Olivia."

I look up from what I've been trying to finish doing, pausing from stacking the files.

He meets my gaze, searing me with those blazing blue fires and warming my inside.

The very moment that I realize that he's my neighbor, I know deep inside that developing feeling for him is the worst idea I've ever think of. Not only is it complicated because he can be possibly my boss (in case there's a change of plan) but being involved with Luke Hemmington is a bad, bad idea!

And if that's not bad enough, getting an offer of five-hundred thousand for my agreement to work in a well-known company boggles my mind. Those who have the right mind won't wait for a second to have an answer and here I am contemplating and wondering why.

Studying his stoic face, I can't read anything with his blank mask, so I'm not sure if this is some sick joke he's playing with me.

I open my mouth to close them again, looking like a damn goldfish.

He's messing with me because this can't be happening for real!

"I will double it after your sign the paper. I'm sure that will cover your uncle's hospital bill and still leave you with a good fortune, don't you think?"

My mind goes blank.

How does he know about my uncle is in the emergency right now? I never tell anyone let alone him...

He taps his foot, a smug look on his face. "I do a thorough research, Olivia. I need to take every precaution there is given my position and status." He's looking intently at me while he says those things, watching my reaction. "I don't want you to come to think that I'm crossing your privacy. I just want to be clear on the matter."

Now that he explains it, it makes sense. People like him have to see all possible precautions they can to protect their privacy. But there's this nagging feeling that he knows more than he’s telling me.

"What if I don't want to work for you?"

Even before I ask the question, I, already know the answer.
