Page 32 of Dirty Professor

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“Ginger did the second we knew it was a girl. Between her and her mom, I will have everything that I need.”

“Don’t think that Marie won’t be adding to the pile. She loves shopping.” I smiled at the idea of my sister being an aunt and spoiling my daughter. “For that matter, I am going to pitch in a lot as well. I want to give her everything…and you.” Elena stepped towards me and embraced me there in that room, her belly pressing against me as we were surrounded by baby stuff. This was all too surreal as well as amazing, and I pulled her gently against me.

When Ginger woke up, the three of us decided to go out for breakfast. I felt a little weird, remembering when I couldn’t be seen with Elena. I remembered having to hide it so much that she could have been killed in a late-night wreck, shaking off that memory. She wasn’t my student any longer, and though I knew the pregnancy would garner some rumors, I didn’t give a shit. I was proud that she was mine and we’d work through that later. I took them in the Jeep, laughing as the girls sang along to the radio and danced to the upbeat song.

Ginger picked a local diner with Elena’s approval, and I parked in front as I watched Elena unbuckle her seat belt. She looked pretty with her hair braided over her shoulder, wearing a light green shift dress that was loose enough to not show off her stomach too much. I knew that she wanted to be careful as well. I opened the door for them, and my eyes automatically searched the restaurant for familiar faces as I followed the girls inside, hating that it was so automatic.

None of us saw anyone that we knew well that day. I knew that we would though, like the night I took Elena out for a date and saw Nora in the bar with some friends. It was a couple of weeks after everything went down and the look on Nora’s face was heartbreaking in some ways. She met my gaze and then took in Elena, who looked beautiful and happy. Nora’s eyes narrowed as her lips moved into a pout before she turned towards the bar and reached for a glass. I knew that seeing us hurt Nora but I merely guided Elena to our table out of sight of the group and found it easy to focus on her.

We saw students from the university as well. We’d been back together a month, and there was no hiding Elena’s pregnancy at that point, and we were both aware of the looks and whispers every time someone realized who we were. I knew that the stories included it being my baby that she was knocked up with trying to improve her grade, that she had a guy that headed for the hills as soon as he found out and I was the one stuck with her and much worse words. I never gave any acknowledgment to any of the talk since this was about Elena and me. We had Ginger and Marie supporting us through this, and it seemed like Elena’s parents might be coming around. They were talking on the phone and considering coming out to visit and meet me when they had some free time.

Elena assured me that practically never happened. She’d be surprised if they were there when the baby was born.

We spent time between the apartment and the condo for three months, but I was itching to get her to move in with me. The baby was due in a month, and I needed to know that she’d be safe with me. I was back to working and could support her just fine, just like before. There were some questions from some of the other staff about Elena once the talk got around the campus and I denied seeing her when she was a student here. I claimed that we met after she’d left school and hit it off, and beyond the age difference, there was nothing wrong with that. They agreed, but I still felt the looks that I got walking to class, frustrating me as well as Elena. She wasn’t back on campus, but she heard from Ginger about all the gossip and let it get under her skin.

It was one night when we were eating at my place that she was talking about the subject yet again. “Baby, stop. This will die down at some point because we’re going to keep being us. I don’t care what shit I get at school since I am just there to teach, and you’re not even back on campus yet.” She’d considered just doing online classes for the remainder of her time so she could be home with the baby. I urged her to do just that, even though I didn’t care if she finished school or not. She enjoyed writing, and I thought that she might end up doing something like that.

“I just hate that everyone wants to treat you badly and talk about you,” she said as I took her hand and squeezed it. Elena looked at me and sighed, knowing that I was over this conversation.

“Do you love me?” I asked as she smiled and blushed, nodding her head. “Good, because I am madly in love with you and I couldn’t be happier being together with you.” Another smile. “In fact, I’d really love for you to move in with me so we can bring the baby here to stay when she arrives.”

Elena looked at me with wide eyes as I leaned into peck her lips. “It’s only been a few months since we got back together, Liam.”

“I wanted you to move in the night after we got back together but I held back. It’s a month away, give or take now. I’d love you here with me, or we can even get a house. Anything. I don’t care.” I stared at her to make sure that she knew I was sincere. “I want you here with me.” We’d already set up a nursery here, and there was one at Ginger’s as well, which I was fine with. There was no doubt that Alanna would be spending a lot of time over there once she was old enough as well as with my own sister. I just wanted her main home to be here.


p; “I…I have wanted that a lot lately, too. I didn’t want to sound possessive and needy,” Elena admitted as I shook my head at her.

“Never. I love you, and we’re starting a family together. Move in here!” I urged her as she leaned in to kiss me warmly. Everything had been great apart from the rumor mill, but we even rose above that for the most part. We both knew what it was like to live apart from each other and never wanted that again.

“Okay,” she said against my lips before kissing me again.

“Yeah?” I asked playfully as she nodded. “Want to stay here or move?”

“Here. This is a great place and Ellie would kill us if we moved this baby away from her.” Ellie adored Elena, and she was already acting as the honorary grandparent, or would that be great-grandparent at her age? I didn’t care. I liked seeing them get along.

“Deal, baby. I love you.” I smiled as she moved closer to tilt her head to deepen our kiss. Sex was getting crazy at this stage of the game, but I loved feeling her body in my arms; being inside of her as she cried out my name and gave herself to me so easily.


Don’t miss the bonus stories which are included in this book including my HOT SELLER - “Fair Play”.

Also included is the extended epilogue for Dirty Professor.

Just look what you want to read next via the Table of Contents (TOC) and make yourself SO SO HORNY!!!

Billionaire Smutty Romance Collection



I was young and stupid, but that was no excuse. Everyone is young and stupid at some point in their life, but not everyone makes the mistakes I'd made. It all started when my brother Luke brought over a new friend. I was a senior in high school, a good girl. A girl my family could be proud of. I didn't go out and party like my brother. I studied. I worked hard. I was going to be a doctor one day, and that meant taking advanced classes while I was in high school, to prepare myself for college and beyond.

I was the white sheep of the family, my brother the black one. He would disappear for days on end, partying and drinking, until he finally couldn't party anymore. Even at twenty-one, he was still living at home. He worked mostly odd jobs – his latest one at a club in Chicago. Luke told me all about it, making it sound like an incredible opportunity, rather than the latest waystation on the road to nowhere he was on. But I'd listen as he told me how great it was to sling drinks and flirt with all the hot women – and to get paid for it too.

He'd apparently found his dream, and I guess that I had to be happy for him.
