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He walked me to the car, grasping my hand tightly and opening the door for me. I watched as he walked around to the driver’s side and jumped in. He buckled his seatbelt and put his hands on the steering wheel, looking over at me and smiling.

“So, what exotic location do you want to explore tonight?” he asked.

“I don’t know,” I said, sighing. “I’m not really in the mood for any crazy adventures tonight. How about we go back to your place, and I’ll cook you a good, home-cooked meal?”

“That sounds amazing to me,” he said, smiling. “I mean, I’m not one to turn down a hot meal. Netflix and chill seems good to me tonight.”

“I like the Netflix,” I said, laughing. “But chilling wasn’t exactly what I had in mind for later.”

He laughed as I winked at him and put the car in drive, pulling away from the curb and heading back toward his place. I was pretty excited to get to spend the evening at his house. I loved the fact that it was so beautiful and clean, and the ocean was literally his backyard. Even when you were inside, if you listened hard enough, you could hear the waves crashing on the shore. It was spellbinding, and I knew that as soon as I got there, I could relax and spend some stress-free time with this amazing man.

As we drove, I tucked my phone in my purse, just in case my father happened to call. Blaine looked over and grabbed my hand, pulling it into his lap and smiling. I loved how he needed to always be touching me in some way. I really wanted to have a night where I just slept in his comfortable bed, wrapped in his strong arms, and feeling his chest heaving as he slept. It sounded silly, but I really felt that one of the most intimate things you could do with someone was sleep in their bed, cuddled in their arms. It was like the emotional side of intimacy, just being close to each other and being completely comfortable with it all.

When we got to his house, I immediately made a bee-line for the kitchen, excited to finally get to cook something in a real kitchen, with new appliances. I really loved to cook, which was why most nights, I didn’t mind cooking my father food. The biggest thing I hated was the fact that we couldn’t afford really good ingredients like Blaine could. I did the best with what I had, and usually, I could at least make my father the kind of food that he liked. He was kind of picky, and I’d been forced to call my mom for recipes after she first left. Luckily, she didn’t take her recipe cards with her, so I’d been using them ever since then.

I looked through the cabinets, amazed at how much food he had stocked up. He was insane with his house, and I was pretty sure, after getting to know him, it wasn’t likely that he used the food in the pantry very often. I pulled out all the ingredients to make some delicious fettucine alfredo and went to work, making the sauce from scratch and adding some steamed broccoli to the top. It was absolutely delicious when I tasted a bit off the spoon, and I was excited to have him try it. He came over and took out the plates and silverware to set the table, kissing me on the cheek as he walked by.

When the table was fully set, I walked over, putting the noodles, sauce, and broccoli carefully on the plate. He pulled out a bottle of white wine and filled our glasses, making sure to not spill it. When we sat down, he tried his meal, and I held my breath, waiting for his reaction. He chewed carefully, looking for all the flavors that I had put into it.

“Wow,” he said, wiping his mouth. “This is absolutely amazing.”

“Thank you,” I said proudly. “It’s one of my favorite dishes.”

“It’s been so long since I had a home-cooked meal,” he said. “My housekeeper keeps the shelves stocked with food, but I rarely eat anything. I am pretty sure she takes the stuff home that is about to expire so that food isn’t wasted. I almost don’t eat certain things so I can make sure she has a good bounty at the end of the month. I pay her through a service, but I am almost positive she only gets a fraction of what it costs me to have her there. She told me last year, she didn’t even get the entire bonus I gave them. After that, I decided that any bonuses would be paid by check directly to them, and not through the company. I would switch, but then I would lose her, and she keeps me together.”

“That was the most spoiled thing you’ve said to me,” I said, laughing. “Your housekeeper keeps your life together.”

“First world problems,” he joked.

“You have a big heart,” I said, smiling. “Even if you try to hide it from everyone.”

“Seriously, though,” he said, taking another bite. “This is delicious. Thank you.”

I beamed, knowing that he really liked my cooking, something I was very confident in. I loved cooking for other people, and I always thought that if my teaching career ever imploded, I would open a restaurant and cook whatever I wanted. It would be good, home-cooked food from scratch. I had worked up a whole business idea in my head that incorporated the non-profit I wanted to start and other ways that I could help the community. It was definitely a pipe dream, but I enjoyed thinking about it, especially when things started to get rough at home. I guessed I was a dreamer, someone who hid behind a fantasy to escape the stress of their reality. I was realistic about it, and I didn’t always do it that way, but I definitely would retreat to those dreams whenever I wanted to get my mind off of things.

We sat quietly and enjoyed our meal. It wasn’t an awkward silence, but instead, it was just two people enjoying each other’s company over a hot meal and some wine. I loved this part of the day, and I found that it was even better, sharing it with Blaine. We both finished our plates at the same time, leaning back and stretching with full bellies. He yawned and rubbed his stomach, looking up at me with a smile.

“That was delicious,” he said. “So, what’s for dessert?”

“Me,” I said, feeling extra feisty.

We sat there for several moments, half-laughing and trying to figure out if we were serious. His eyes began to darken as I lifted my foot up, running it up his thigh and across his crotch, hidden from view by the table between us. I could feel his cock starting to grow as his pants tightened under my foot. I leaned in a bit further and pressed down, running my leg across his and pushing down on his dick. He groaned and took the napkin out of his lap, tossing it on the table and leaning back in his chair. For several moments, our comfortable silence turned into intense lustful silence, and I could feel my pussy begin to get wet. He was so sexy, sitting across the table in his polo and jeans, and instantly, I was turned on by the noises coming from his throat.

He reached down into his lap and pushed down on my foot as it worked its way up his hard shaft. He got rock-solid fast, and I could only imagine how uncomfortable that was for him in those pants. I looked over at him and caught his deep, dark stare, wondering what was going through his mind. I had wanted him all day, and now that I had him in front of me, I was just waiting until we both buckled under the pressure. He took a deep breath and put my foot down, sliding his chair back and standing up. I watched as he walked around the table and grabbed me, pulling me to my feet. He put his hands on my waist and lifted me up in the air, turning and setting me down on the cold granite countertop behind us. I could feel the heat of passion in him as he ran his fingers down my chest and began to unbutton my top.

Before he took it all the way off, he pulled my pants and my panties off with a rush, obviously losing some of his self-control. He pulled my body forward and yanked my legs apart, diving his face down in between my legs. He reached up and stroked through my folds, sticking out his tongue and licking the length of me. I reached down and ran my hands across the smooth granite, moaning loudly at the feeling of his mouth on my skin. He groaned into my pussy, responding to my cries of passion. His fingers moved down, and he looked up at me as he slid two of them inside of me. My head flew back, and I grabbed my tits, squeezing them hard as he fingere

d me. His mouth curled up into a smile as I gripped down on my breasts and breathed heavily at the feeling of his fingers inside of me.

He licked my clit several times and then stood up, gripping the countertop as leverage. He leaned forward and kissed my ear as he continued to push his hand in and out of me. His hot breath against my neck added to the buildup.

“You like that?” he asked.

“Yes,” I moaned loudly.

“You want it harder?”

I nodded my head up and down. He bit his bottom lip and began to finger fuck me as hard and as deep as he could go. I screamed out in ecstasy, feeling him pushing me closer and closer to orgasm. I wanted him so badly, but his hands moved like magic, caressing the inside of me like nothing I had ever felt before. He leaned back over and began to lick my clit at the same speed as his fingers. I reached my hand down and grabbed his hair, feeling my resolve to hold off begin to crumble inside of me. The heat in my stomach was inflamed, and with every lick of his tongue and every flicker of his fingertips, the blaze grew bigger and bigger. I leaned back on my elbows, breathing loud and deep, screaming out every time he plunged his fingers deep inside of me. He looked up at me and smiled, flickering his tongue against my nub before closing his mouth and sucking hard on it.
