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“Bye,” I stammered.

Thomas whistled as he walked away. I couldn’t tear my eyes off his tall, handsome silhouette. I knew it was wrong, but I wanted him so badly.

I need a distraction , I realized. I just need to find someone my own age, who won’t belittle me. Someone who doesn’t have an ex-wife and tons of baggage .

But the problem was, I didn’t want someone like that.

I wanted someone like Thomas March.

That evening, I was lying on my bed and grading papers when my phone buzzed. Angela hadn’t come home yet, and I didn’t even have to look at the caller identification to know that it was her.

“Hey,” I said. “Could you pick up a pizza on the way home? I’m starving.”

A deep masculine laugh filled my ears and my cheeks burned bright red.

“I’d bring you a pizza, but I don’t know where you live, June.”

I blushed even harder. “Mr. March! I’m so sorry!”

Thomas chuckled again. “How many times do I have to tell you – call me Thomas, June.”

I gulped and swallowed. “Okay.”

“Look, June, I was calling to ask you out to dinner on Friday night.”

I bit my lip. “Did something happen with Brett? Is everything okay?”

Thomas laughed. “Brett’s fine. He’ll be with his mother this weekend.”

“Oh,” I said quietly. “Why, then?”

“Because I want to take you out,” Thomas said. “On a date. A real date, to a nice restaurant.”

I thought my eyes were going to pop out of my head.

“You can’t be serious,” I said quickly. “Me?”

“Yes, June, you.”

I bit my lip.

“So, are you free? Can I pick you up at seven-thirty this Friday?”

I nodded quickly, forgetting that Thomas wasn’t in the same room to see me.

“Yes,” I said quickly. “Yes, yes!”

Thomas laughed. “That’s the response I was hoping for,” he said in a deep growl that sent a shiver of arousal crawling down my spine. “I’m looking forward to it, June.”

I blushed hotly. “Me too,” I said softly. “Me, too.”

When we hung up, I had to pinch my arm to make sure that I was really awake. It stung, but I still felt delirious and happy. I couldn’t believe that Mr. March had asked me, of all people – me! – out for a fancy dinner date night. I was grinning so wide that both of my cheeks ached.

I couldn’t believe it. Me and Mr. March…together, out on a date!

Suddenly, life was really looking up.
