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“Oh, yeah. I can really have kids right now.” His wry tone makes me want to wince. “Do you not know Annabelle? Can you not see how much attention she needs? Can you imagine if our child is just like her?”

“Rather you than me!” Never have truer words been spoken. “But I’m sorry I didn’t warn you about all of this. I guess me and Cici have been pretty self involved while we worked all of this out. We didn’t think to tell…”

“No, no, I get it.” As Landon comes to his senses, he becomes much more reasonable. “I understand it must have been a crazy time. If you already have a kid then you can’t have known one another long.”

“No, we didn’t, and it was all very unexpected. We’re still getting used to it ourselves.”

“Well, we have to go out sometime to celebrate. It isn’t every day that one of us has a child. Are you free at the weekend maybe? We could wet the baby’s head?”

“Erm, maybe.” I don’t want to commit fully, just in case. “I’ll be in touch, okay, buddy?”

“Yeah, sounds good. I’ll see you soon, Will.”

As I hang up the phone, I smile to myself. That small talk with Landon has actually cleared a lot of the air. I suppose people can know about me and Cici now, and the more people that do, the better. Kingpin will not defeat me.

Chapter Twenty One – Cici

I pace the apartment in a state of panic while I wait for Will to come home. I cannot believe that I got caught when I was outside with my mom. I was sitting around just trying to work out how I’d gently break the news to him when he finally got home when he called me with the news. I’ve been watched. This Kingpin guy who’s targeting him has been watching me, and now he’s told on me like I’m a naughty school child. He knows everything about me, and it seems like he’s coming for me. Maybe even Jordan too. I feel like I should run, but Will has told me to stay. He has police protection surrounding the building anyway, so maybe I am safe here. I just feel weird.

I can’t sit down, I can’t be calm, I keep shaking and trembling like a leaf. Without Will here, I won’t feel okay again. The danger feels like it’s surrounding me, closing in on me, crushing me. The life has been sucked from me and I don’t know how to get it back. I’m a jittery bag of nerves, I’m not doing well being alone.

The door swings open and I immediately dive on Jordan’s basket, trying to protect him from the intrusion. I don’t know who it is, but I need to protect my child in case. My eyes dart around the room, I’m looking for anything that I can use as a weapon if it comes down to it. I’ll do anything to care for Jordan…

“Are you okay?” Relief floods me as I hear Will’s soothing tones. “Oh, Cici, you look freaked out.”

I tug my fingers through my hair, shaking my head rapidly as I push myself into a standing position. “I am freaked out. I’m fucking scared. I don’t know what’s happening and someone’s watching me and…”

Will stops my rant, just as it’s about to burst free from my lips by wrapping his arms around me. I rest my head against his chest and I listen to the calming pace of his heart beat. He isn’t a mess like me, which helps.

“Sorry,” I finally continue. “I know I shouldn’t be like this, I know it’s my fault, I just…”

Will pulls me back and he stares into my eyes. He’s giving me a very intense look. “Cici, this isn’t your fault. You should be able to go and see your mom without all of this bullshit. This isn’t because of you. This is my job that’s dragged you into this. I’m sure if you’d known, you would have kept away from me at the wedding…”

The thing is, I wouldn’t. It’s a big pain in the ass and there’s a lot of hassle surrounding me and Will, but he’s worth it. The way that I feel about him, the butterflies he gives me, the love which surrounds us both, it’s all worth all the other stuff. And of course, there’s Jordan as well. I wouldn’t change him for anything.

Knowing all of this, I push myself up onto my tiptoes and I kiss Will hard. I don’t even know what I’m doing, my head is everywhere. I just feel like I want him. I need something to distract me from all this craziness. I want my brain to switch off and to be a slave to the sensations instead. This isn’t how I should be acting, but I am.

Will grips onto, he immediately sees where I’m going with this and judging by the way his hot tongue is exploring the inside of my mouth he wants this to. Fuck Kingpin, fuck the police officers watching the building, fuck the rest of the world. Right now, it’s just us and after the shitty day I’ve had, that’s amazing.

Will tears at my clothes so I do the same to him. All I want to do is be naked. I want to feel all of his nude body as well. I need to touch his strong muscles, to remind myself how powerful he is. I want to feel his shoulders, to rub his back, to feel his butt, and I also need him driving inside of me, sending me spinning.

“Oh fuck.” Will walks me backwards until I hit the hallway wall behind me. It’s ice cold, but it does nothing to cool down the burning desire that’s racing through my whole system. “Oh, fucking hell, Will.”

He nibbles my earlobes as he yanks my trousers down, he nips at my neck while he pulls my top off, his mouth brushes all over my hyper sensitive skin while he strips off my underwear. I try my hardest to undress him at the same time, but I’m nothing more than a whimpering mess. Thank God Jordan is asleep!

“You…” Will growls as he takes control and he undresses himself in a hurry. He’s flushed all over, burning under the intense desire. “You are s

o fucking sexy, Cici, what am I going to do about you?”

He slams into me, pressing his thick, naked, muscular body against me and I toss my head back in ecstasy. I wrap my legs around him, lifting myself from the ground, and Will carries me without any hesitation. Even with my post baby body he makes me feel all sweet and delicate. Will leaves me feeling feminine.

I rest my forehead against Will’s as he slowly slides that magnificent length into me. I should have learned my lesson last time, I know we should be much more careful now, but today I’m going to rest on my contraception alone. I can’t stop this moment now, it’s far too hot. I’m on fucking fire, I’m fizzing everywhere. Every single one of my nerve endings is electrical, and I need some satisfaction from Will. I need to feel all of him.

“Fuck me,” I beg him in a whisper. “Fuck me hard. I really need it. I need you.”

Will gives me one chaste kiss on the lips, before he slams into me hard, forcing a guttural groan out of my mouth. My throat hums with the vibrations that he has slamming through me. It’s fucking incredible.

“More,” I beg. “I need more. I need… oh, I need everything from you.”
